Books,  Top Ten

Top Ten Tuesday; Summer TBR

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Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new topic is given and this weeks topic is Summer TBR

Summer TBR

I’m always doing TBR’s and never really read the books I put on them because other new and exciting books reach my hands but these are the books I would very much like to read this summer.

Ensnared An Ember In The Ashes Never Always Sometimes

Ensnared by A. G. Howard; I keep meaning to read this one, it came out in January for crying out loud but other books keep jumping up instead. I really want to read this before the summer ends!

An Ember In The Ashes by Sabaa Tahir; I have been dying to read this book for months and am a bit ashamed I didn’t jump on the chance to read it but I definitely want to do that very soon!

Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid; I really loved Adi’s first book and I think this one sounds super intriguing. Will definitely read this soon.

Black Cairn PointPageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00026]Both of Me Read Me Like A Book

Black Cairn Point by Claire McFall; I cannot explain to you how much I cannot wait to have this book in my hands. Claire McFall has become one of my favourite authors so I am just jumping with excitment to read her latest book.

Becomming Death by Melissa Brown; This book is written by one of my friends. She was actually the person who organised the NaNoWriMo meet ups in Norwich while I was there so I have a lot to thank her for. Her book also has death and grim reapers in it so you can definitely see why I’m excited for this!

Both of Me by Jonathan Friesen; I picked this up from the library a while back and aside from needing to return it soon, this book sounds super interesting and I cannot wait to get stuck into it.

Read Me Like A Book by Liz Kessler; How have I not read this book yet? I keep hearing good things about it so I definitely need to get on it. It’s the first book I plan to read for the LGBT Readathon I’m hosting at the end of June!

The Art of Being Normal All The Bright Places the sky is everywhere

The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson; Yet another book that came out in January and has a stream of amazingly positive reviews about it. All my friends have gushed about it to me so I definitely need to read this over the summer.

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven; Look above! This one has people in tears and it sounds like a book I know I will love so I need to read this!

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson; Apparently I don’t read many books with high praise quickly enough! This is yet another book that is reaping in the high reviews and still waiting to be read. I will change this before the end of the summer, I will.

What books are on your summer TBR?



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