Books,  Challenges,  Update

Netgalley November Update #4



Hey Guys!
Can you believe that the final week of November is already over? Seriously… when did that happen?


As it is now the fifth friday of the month I am sharing with you all how my goals for this event have been.


So, I set out to read 4-6 books for this challenge, and I also want to try to get my statistics up to at least 45%. It’s nowhere near what it needs to be but it should be a start.


In this fifth week I have now read TWO books. I am still 50% done with reading;

Finding It

I was planning to finish this book by the end of this week and starting a final book to meet my target but unfortunately I ended up getting ill and reading was the last thing on my mind.

I have also finished four non-netgalley books and I’m currently in the middle of one more!

My stats are at 39.5% so I still have a little way to go before I reach 45%.

I am hoping that between now and tomorrow I will at least finish Finding It. Fingers crossed!

Don’t Forget!
Today at 8pm GMT until 10pm GMT there is a twitter chat using the hashtag #netgalleynov! Hope to see you all there.

And that’s all of my progress report complete! How are you doing with your goals?
Feel free to simply comment below or add your post link to the linky!
I will do my best to visit and comment on everyone’s updates!



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