Bout of Books

Bout of Books 10 Goals & Updates!

Bout of Books

So I figured… hey… I need GOALS and STUFF. Right?
I’ve been fairly bad at blogging lately, *stares at empty days*, but I’m hoping this will be a good way of getting back into it because instead of just using this week to read, I’ve decided some of my goals are going to be blogging related… yay!
So a double twist bout of books for me!

In my sign-up post, I announced that I would be participating in this read-a-thon with a twist and that is all the books I plan to read this week will be library books! I have too many on my card and it is time to deal with that!


With that being said, my goals for this week are;
– Read three books
– Participate in two challenges
– Spend 30mins every day commenting on blogs (participants or otherwise)
– Try to participate in the Monday twitter chat. (the one on wed is at 2am – but I do have thursday off so if I’m awake… – and I’m at work on sat, so MONDAY.)
– Write three blog posts

Books I have to choose from;

A Crack in the Line Amy and Matthew Bone Jack

Far From You Stormbreaker The Forever of Ella and Micha2 Two Boys Kissing

Any suggestions on what I should start with?

I can do it, right? Normally I fail my goals in some way and I’m not sure I will get a chance to read three books but a girl can dream, right? I have two train commute days next week and two days off so we will cross our fingers that I’ll use that time wisely! And I’ve set an alarm for Monday’s chat so *fingers crossed* I’ll be there! Wooo!

If you’re joining in, what are your goals?


Number of books I read today: One
Number of books I’ve read so far: one
Books: Stormbreaker by Anthony Horrowitz
Notes: I started reading this book and just instantly got hooked. It was fast-paced, action-packed, and just a nice easy middle-grade book that I really enjoyed. I was completely invested in the story from the start and really liked where it ended. Glad it was my first Bout of Books book!
Notes: I also participated in the twitter chat! yay!

Number of books I read today: Half of One
Number of books I’ve read so far: One and a half
Books: Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz, and Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke.
Notes: Today I actually read the last half of Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and it was a non-library book but I had to get it read for a buddy review so it was still important! It was good, but more thoughts on it to follow!
Other: I finished my first challenge today and wrote two guest posts! Yay! Just one more guest post to go and one more challenge to go! The only thing I’m not doing so well on at the moment is commenting. Hopefully I’ll make up for that on my day off on Thursday!


Books You’re Looking Forward To Challenge
For this I have decided to choose the few books that are upcoming this year that I’m REALLY anticipating the release of!

Memoirs of a Neurotic Zombie by Jeff Norton; This is a middle-grade book but is one that I’ve heard the first chapter from and guys, it was A-MAZING. Seriously had me in stitches. Am sooo excited for the next book!
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas; Gah. I need this book in my life. Please? This series is just one that I have completely fallen in love with.
Landline by Rainbow Rowell; Um… it’s a new Rainbow Rowell book! It must be in my life! :D
Rooms by Lauren Oliver; Lauren Oliver, check. Ghosts, check. Mystery, check. Interested? DOUBLE CHECK.
Made for You by Melissa Marr; I’ve never read a Melissa Marr book but this just sounds so interesting and exciting and I just want to get my hands on it!
All Lined Up by Cora Carmack; After Losing It and Faking It, Cora quickly found her way on to my “auto-buy” list when new books get written. Needless to say I’m super excited for this new book of hers!



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