Behind the Blog

Behind the Blog #33; It’s not the end…


Behind the Blog is a meme to help bloggers connect their life and interests to the content showcased on their blog. The co-hosts, Faye, Kathe, and Melissa will provide a different topic, idea, or question every week that bloggers can relate to themselves and the books, films, or other media they find interesting!

As we approach the end of this year, we want to talk about the year which has passed. Did you learn anything this year? Do you have any days or moments that will stay with you forever? And finally, how does it feel to finally say goodbye to one year and hello to another?
In relation to media, are there any books or films that had powerful endings that will stick with you forever? Or are there any sequels that you’re looking forward to starting in 2013?

I want to start this post with a quick apology for the lateness of it. With the holidays, there just wasn’t any time to write this. Fortunately, there is now so it’s only a little late!

This year has definitely been an interesting one with many different things happening throughout it and I want to spend this post talking about the moments that will stay with me forever because they were all truly amazing and brilliant.

  • I graduated from University. After three long, stressful, yet fun years, I finally got myself a pass and graduated from uni. An amazing feat that has made me super proud of myself.
  • I started meeting authors. Before this year I had never met an author (that I remember), and so far this year I have met Damian Dibben, Laura Dockrill, Karen Mahoney, Laura Powell, James Dawson, Ruth Warburton, C J Daughtry, Dean Crawford, Rob Ryan, Wendy Wallace, and Ali Harris. I look forward to meeting many more next year!
  • I went skiing. For the first time since I spent six months in Canada, I returned to the wonderful country and went skiing again, and it was so brilliant.
  • I met some amazing bloggers. It doesn’t seem right that some of the book bloggers I met were only met this year in June. It feels as though I have known some of these people for years. I look forward to meeting more in the years to come.
  • I went to the London Tower and Buckingham Palace. I have live thirty minutes away from London my entire life and yet I had never visited these places before, and so I was extremely happy to visit these places for the first time when I met Rachelia from Bookish Comforts for the first time.
  • I made my first vlog. I never would have done this if it wasn’t for BlogINK and I really enjoyed doing it and all of the social media campaigning around it as well.
  • I got a job in the library. Truly it was the best day ever when I got that offer and even now it still doesn’t feel like work when I’m there. It is crazy to think that I’m almost living the dream.

I know that a lot more happened to me this year that I will probably remember for many years to come but I felt like the rest are all smaller things, like getting a necklace or getting a particular book, or loving one, and the list was already getting fairly long. I’m also fairly certain there’s another big event that I have missed but if I think of it, I shall add it.

What are some of your most memorable moments of 2012?

In relation to books, here are three books I read this year where the ending truly through me or simply stayed with me, or made the book that much better.

Cinder     Black Heart Blue     Forgive Me Alex

Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Black Heart Blue by Louisa Reid
Forgive Me, Alex by Lane Diamond

And these are three sequels that I am really looking forward to appearing in 2013.

Spirit    Scarlet    Divergent

Spirit by Brigid Kemmerer (Elemental #3)
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer (Cinder #2)
Untitled by Veronica Roth (Divergent #3)

We’d love to have you join us for Behind the Blog!

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Are you joining us? Here are our rules:

  • The hosts’ Behind the Blog posts go live at midnight on Friday, GMT+0:00. Feel free to post before that, just link up on Friday!
  • Feel free to make use of the button shown above, or if it clashes with your blog colours e-mail us or make your own.
  • Read, write, and connect! The Linky is there for you. Make use of it!
  • Last but not least, have fun!


  • Katja Weinert

    Congrats on graduating, I did too – although it took me eight years (part-time uni balanced with full-time job). Can totally relate with the feeling proud of oneself.
    Love that you got to meet all those authors – I live nearly two hours away from London by train, and always wish I could attend more events. I did meet authors last year at Cambridge WordFest, but they weren’t YA authors, sniff, sniff. However, one of the writers was Ali Smith so I was still chuffed :)

  • Alexa Y.

    I am totally dying to have my own copies of Divergent #3 and Scarlet in my hands! These are two series that I’m absolutely, irrevocably in love with.

    Congratulations on graduating! I’m sure that’s only the start of the new adventures in this next phase of your life :)

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