
Blogspiration #26; Who Are You?

Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA & Saz101. This meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the authors choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation & just a little SOMETHING.

Blogspiration 2nd Dec

At one point this summer, my brain is not fully remembering the date, I met up with the wonderful blogger Lucy from ChooseYA, and we headed to the Science Museum! As there should have been, there was a lot to see and do but this particular message was one that really spoke to me and I quickly took a photo of it. But it’s taken me until now to even remember I did so, but here we have my blogspiration to you.

Who Am I? I am more than myself.

Your identity is shaped by the people you meet and the things that happen to you.

Your face gives you away – it reveals your gender, your heritage and your feelings.

Brain science confirms startling likenesses in the human family. You are the same.

And, in my opinion, this all sums up to one thing;
We Are All Human

Nothing else matters, we are the same.

You are You. <3



  • alexandrasscribblings

    “I am” is such, such a powerful phrase. I think it’s fascinating to listen to the way that people define themselves – what they choose to include in their introductions, how they describe themselves.
    I like it. :-)

  • Cayce

    Awesome blogspiration! :)
    And 100% true. We all have differences that set us apart, make us unique, BUT we’re all human, and that makes us the same. And we should treat each other as equal human beings, fairly with respect and tolerance.

  • Azia

    we ALL are human! and not perfect! I have to remind myself of this when people let me down… because EVERYONE makes mistakes! Not to mention– we are all so different, with what we like, hate, are interested in… but, underneath all of that– we are all the same. thank you so much for sharing this!

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