
Blogspiration #18 – Who We Are

Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA & Saz101. This meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the authors choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation & just a little SOMETHING.

So this week I was going through my memo’s on my phone as I was bored and without signal (aka, internet), when I stumbled across a quote that I had written down. I don’t remember doing it so I don’t know which book it came from but it did remind me (again) about how brilliant J. K. Rowling truly is.

* quote copyright to J.K, graphic copyright to me *

I love this quote. I love how true it is as well. Someone may be the smartest man in the planet but if he makes foolish choices, then he will only ever be a fool. Whereas someone who is dumb but makes brave choices will only ever be seen as a brave person. What we can do, what we can achieve is only half the battle.

Lately I’ve been in a limbo part of my life. The transition from graduating to full-time employment and it’s no mystery that I’ve also felt a little lost. There are many things that I can do, there are many things that I could achieve and yet choosing what to do next is hard because I know it will not just determine my future, it will determine who I am. And let’s face it, I’m still not sure who that is yet.

But I do know that no matter what path I finally take, it will be the right one for me.
And every path you take will always eventually lead you right back to you, too.

So if you feel as lost as I do, stick in there, hold your head high and know that when the time comes to make a choice, it’ll be the perfect choice for you. Because…

It is our choices that define who we are.



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