Books,  Films,  Giveaway

300-Follower Thank-You Giveaway!

300 follower
So umm, you guys are all the most amazing people in the world. Did you know that? I sure hope you did! And if you didn’t, you do now!

Blogging for me, isn’t about just increasing your follower count, it isn’t a “popularity” contest to be better than those around you. It is a place to share our love of books, to recommend people books they may have never even looked at before. However, of course, this recommending of books would be impossible without people looking at the blog. Therefore, I appreciate every single person that comes to this blog, who follows it, who comments, who interacts. You make this blog what it is and I just cannot thank you enough for that.

When I started blogging, never in a million years did I imagine that I would get more than a handful of followers. I figured I would just enjoy reading more books and watching more films and reviewing on them but I never thought people would actually read my words so I still get overwhelmed when I get comments and likes and just views in general. I am just so grateful; there aren’t enough words in the english dictionary to describe just how much.
Instead, I am hosting another giveaway! I’m still low on the finances though so I haven’t got anything brilliant to giveaway but just a little something to let you all know just how much I really, really, really do appreciate you all.
This time around I have THREE different prizes for THREE different followers.

1. I have an ARC copy of The Immortal City by Scott Speer to giveaway to one UK blogger. (It is UK only as I have to ship it myself, sorry INT followers!)
2. I will buy one UK or EU follower a DVD of a book adaptation of their choice through [MAX £8] (It is UK and EU only as only ships there – again, sorry!)
3. I will buy one INTL follower a book of their choosing from TBD. [MAX £8]

Please follow my Giveaway Policy, found here.
The only MANDATORY entry is that you must be a follower of this blog (old or new) as this is a thank-you to my followers! All other entries are optional but not required but they may help your chances to win.
For this giveaway I have used Google Doc instead of Rafflecopter because of the free different giveaways for the different users. If you check that you are UK, you will be entered for ALL prices unless you let me know otherwise, if you are EU will be entered for the second and third prize and if you a INTL you will only be entered for the final prize.
If you want the ‘blog comment’ extra entry, answer me this;
What book or DVD (or both) would you choose if you win? (this is not your final choice so you may change it later if you win, I’m just curious!)


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