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Author Interview: Adam Baron

Author Interview: Adam Baron

Today is my stop on the Boy Underwater blog tour and I am pleased to welcome Adam Baron on to the blog with a quick interview! He’s come up with some fascinating answers!


What is your favourite thing about writing books?
Being true to an idea and seeing it all the way through to the end.

Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
Cymbeline – he’s real to me and very innocent. He makes me laugh.

What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
Tea. I take a break to make some, and ideas come.

Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
My worst habit is not writing. I do that a lot…

How do you research your books?
I write them first and try to make them truthful, then go back and get the details right.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I just let the story grow from inside me. I try to listen to what it is telling me.

If you could live in any fictional world, which would you choose and why?
Great question. I want to live on Katie Morag’s island. I love Scotland and the outdoors generally. I’d sit by the sea all day waiting for the tide to bring me things.

If you could befriend any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
That would be Dmitri Karamazov. He liked a good party.

About the book

Cymbeline (yes, really!) has never been swimming – not ever, not once – so he’s a bit nervous at the prospect of his first school swimming lesson ever . But how hard could it be? He’s Googled front crawl and he’s found his dad’s old pair of trunks. He’s totally ready for this.

But he’s not ready for an accident at the pool to reveal a family mystery that turns his life completely upside down. Only Cym and his friends can solve it because, as usual, the grown-ups aren’t telling them anything.

For the answers you really need, sometimes you have to go deep . . .

Boy Underwater is as emotionally touching as it is deeply funny. It tells the story of a boy, Cymbeline, whose life is completely turned upside down when an accident during his first school swimming lesson, in fact his first swimming lesson ever, triggers a chain of events that lead to a family mystery that only he and his friends can solve.

About the Author

Adam Baron is the author of five successful adult novels and has, in his time, been an actor, comedian, journalist and press officer at Channel 4 television (as well as things he’s too embarrassed to mention). He now runs the widely respected MA in Creative Writing at Kingston University London. Adam lives in Greenwich, South London, with his wife and three young children. He wrote Boy Underwater (his first novel aimed at younger readers) because they told him to.


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