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Author Interview: Counterplay by Dennis Norman

Author Counterplay by Dennis Norman

Today is my stop on the Counterplay blog tour and I am pleased to welcome Dennis Norman on to the blog with a quick interview! He’s come up with some intriguing answers!


What is your favourite thing about writing books?
My favourite thing about writing books is research. I enjoy finding out more about the peripheral things that add to the story. I try to get as many facts as I can.

Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
Alain is my favourite because he has had to come through a big test of character. He’s been beaten and kept getting up to continue with the chase while keeping a big secret.

What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
I like to drink tea while I’m writing. I’m a big tea drinker at home and I find it keeps me going. After I finish for the day I like a gin and tonic or a glass of red wine to wind down.

Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
My biggest habit is forgetting to do anything else while I’m writing. The story takes over my life. Everything around me gets done when I’m finished. With consequences at home.

How do you research your books?
I love researching. I use reference books, the internet and many many friends.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

If you could live in any fictional world, which would you choose and why?
I loved the film Blade Runner so I think I’d like to experience living in that world.

If you could befriend any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
My favourite fictional character is Lee Child’s Jack Reacher. He is one of the most compelling characters I’ve read about. He has no ties, no family no luggage and no home. He has an incredible desire for justice. He’s everyone’s hero rolled into one.

About the book

Cover for Counterplay by author Dennis NormanKarl has been stealing money from Tesanee. When he realises that she has uncovered his deceit, he flees.

Tesanee’s son Ashley, furious about the betrayal, approaches a close friend of his late father, Alain, and asks him to find Karl and retrieve Tes’s money.

Alain has nothing much to do and is happy to honour his dead friend’s memory by helping his wife.

Alain and his brother set off together to track down Karl and confront him. Each time they close in, Karl manages to outsmart them, and disappears.

A game of cat and mouse is set in play. Alain has no idea what he’s let himself in for.

Amazon. Goodreads.

About the Author

Author Dennis Norman I was born and raised in South London where my parents, both avid readers, made a habit of ringing home crime, thriller and suspense novels, instilling in me a love of reading from a very early age. My father used to pass any book they read to me and vice versa.

I spent many years as an Engineering designer particularly the oil and gas industry, hence the few years in the oil-rich Arabian Gulf where my first story is set, before deciding what I really wanted to do was write.

I realised the most satisfying way to achieve this would be by starting with my own story. So, for the next eighteen months, I spent my days working at my regular job and my lunchtimes, evenings and weekends writing my first book. Prisoner in Al-Khobar was the result.

Counterplay is my second book unlike the first it is a novel.

I live in Surrey with my wife Sharon.

I am currently hard at work on my next novel.


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