Author Interview: Emma Clapperton
Author Interview: Emma Clapperton
Today I am pleased to welcome Emma Clapperton on to the blog with a quick interview! She’s come up with some very interesting answers!
What is your favourite thing about writing books?
I love that I can delve into another world and create my own stories. I like that I can shut myself off from real life and make things happen that otherwise wouldn’t happen in the real world, especially when it comes to things like the supernatural.
Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
My favourite character has to be DS Preston. He didn’t have a huge part to play in the first book, however in The Dead Whisper he has a bigger role. I also love Patrick, who is the calmest man you could ever read considering the number of things that actually happen to him and his family.
What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
Black tea.
Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
I am easily distracted by notification tones, either on the laptop or the mobile. I really need to turn them off or I won’t get as much done.
How do you research your books?
For my series, I actually attended a few psychic nights and had a few private readings in order to gauge what it is like to actually be psychic and how these people deal with the ability. I am not psychic however I have had a few moments where I second guess myself and wonder if the lightbulb actually had a surge of power or whether an unknown force threw it down the stairs from the light fitting (this actually happened to me, it also landed on tiled flooring and didnt smash and when I fitted it back in, it still worked!).
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I’d say I’m a ‘plantser’ in that I start off with no plan and then as the chapters develop I will go over what I have written and then plot the rest of the book from there.
If you could live in any fictional world, which would you choose and why?
I definitely want to be an employee in the Cemetery of Forgotten Books from the Shadow of the Wind series by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
If you could befriend any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
James Delaney from Taboo, he’d always be handy to have around. Grace from Behind Closed Doors, purely so I could expose Jack for what he really was. (No spoilers from me)
About the Book

D.S Preston and D.C Lang are sent to investigate the death of a young girl in an old manor house in Glasgow. But who would want to kill an innocent girl in her own home and why? When they believe their questions have been answered the case is closed.
Meanwhile, Sam Leonard could not be happier – he has a great acting career and a fantastic girlfriend. After being in a previously turbulent relationship, what could go wrong?
For Patrick McLaughlin life is going well. His marriage is stable and with a baby on the way, things can only get better.
But the house that Patrick moves into is not what it seems. With a family burial plot in the gardens, visions and messages from the deceased, and a recent death in the house, will Patrick and Jodie regret their purchase?
In order to lay the ghosts to rest questions will be asked but can the house ever let go of its past?
About the Author

Emma studied childcare and gained qualifications to work with the early years in 2002, later going on to work in the Montessori sector of early years. In 2017 she gained a qualification to work as a Forest School early years leader and can often be found teaching three and four year olds how to cook on an open fire. Alongside this she is also studying for a diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Practice.
She currently resides in a little town outside of the city of Glasgow with her husband and ginger cat and is working on future projects.
Would you want to an employee at the Cemetery of Books too?
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