Author Interview: Gregory James Clark
Author Interview: Gregory James Clark
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Today is my stop on the Island Prince blog tour and I am here today with an interview with the author!
Title: The Island Prince
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Published: 1st October 2019
Format: Paperback
Source:: N/A
Add It: Amazon UK. Goodreads.
Summary: In the Spring of 2108, Australian Defence Minister Aub Ryman resigns from his post, committed to an alternative system for determining the sovereignty of nations that would end warfare forever. In order to lead this transformation he must first marry Queen Katie of Kamchatka, whose many fans throughout the world have given her the power to approve or remove governments to achieve her objectives under a system known as The New Game. Before he can assume his role as King, however, The Island Prince must first convince The Queen’s Ministers and the prestigious Kamchatka Parliament that he is indeed the right choice. On the ice, and with the world’s eyes upon them, they express their love for each other and reinforce their message for world peace.
The Interview
What is your favourite thing about writing books?
Books are an excellent way to convey ideas. Sometimes writing can be the only way to express ideas. It provides an opportunity to be creative and potentially to reach a large audience, helping people to understand concepts that otherwise they would never have thought of. There is also an opportunity to entertain and generate interest in specific areas.
Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
Favourite character – I would have to say Queen Katie of Kamchatka for her ability to change world order with power and influence for good, and reverse the present perception and role of both the monarchy and the one party state. I’m hoping readers with an interest in politics, and political economy in particular, will be attracted to this character.
What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
I don’t consume drink whilst writing.
Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
Bad habits – probably quite a few. I never type straight into a computer, I use longhand first, which is slow. I’m definitely a scribbler, doing everything in sequence.
How do you research your books?
A lot of my ideas are derived from personal experience and past knowledge. Some has to be researched – either from books that I have read in the past, such as Professor Susan Greenfield’s ‘The Human Brain’. Others may require some work on the internet e.g. on Wikipaedia, as with the moons of Jupiter and electron-beam welding, both of which feature in The Island Prince.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I’m not sure what a ‘pantser’ is, but I would say I was definitely a plotter. I couldn’t see how a story could be created adequately without a plot of some kind, not that I would claim to be a great plot planner.
If you could live in any fictional world, which would you choose and why?
The fictional world I would choose would have to be something along the lines of the world that I have envisaged in the books I have written, as I think it is realistic and potentially offers a vast improvement on what we have at the moment. I believe capitalism is destroying us , yet we lack a suitable alternative. My fictional world aims to redress this and we’ll need it, or something like it, to end poverty and warfare, not to mention climate change.
If you could befriend any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
Befriending a fictional character – this is not so easy, but it would have to be someone who stands up for cooperation, rather than competition. Luke Skywalker perhaps?
About the Author

Born in Lancashire, England, in 1962, Gregory James Clark is a former Quality Management correspondent, trainer and presenter. Having written on the subject for over thirty years, he has recently branched into fiction, publishing The Island of Dreams in 2017.With an interest in ice skating he is now in the process of utilising a unique combination of knowledge to develop a new theory of political economy based on the principles of Quality that it is hoped will one day end poverty and warfare by providing a realistic, credible and fair alternative to capitalism. The Island Prince provides a fictional context to present the ideas, along with some interesting scientific concepts.
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