Author Interview: Karen King
Author Interview: Karen King
Today I am pleased to welcome Karen King on to the blog with a quick interview! She’s come up with some fantastic answers!
What is your favourite thing about writing books?
Finally seeing the story that I spent months trying to transfer out of my head onto paper/the screen in print.
Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
Sapphire because she’s so gutsy and loyal. She could have stayed safe with Grandpa and the rest of her passed-over family when she died, but instead she was so desperate to find Will that she risked everything to go off with Denny, a stranger, and search for him. She went through some pretty terrible stuff, but she kept her courage and stuck by Will and her friends.
What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
Coffee. It keeps my brain ticking over.
Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
Nibbling chocolate. I can finish an entire box in one sitting.
How do you research your books?
As Rise of the Soul Catchers takes place in the afterlife I couldn’t really research that! 😊 However, I write romances too, and usually set them in countries I’ve been to. I lived in Cornwall for many years so knew the setting well for The Cornish Hotel by the Sea, for example but parts of ‘I do?..or do I? and my next romance ‘The Bridesmaid’s Dilemma’ were set in France, which I’ve never been to so I used the internet for research.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
A bit of both. I usually work out the story plot, write profiles for the characters and then get writing. I jot down in a notebook any ideas that come to me as I’m writing or reading over what I’ve written and work them into the story later. Basically, I know where I’m going and who’s going with me but the journey can take some unexpected twists and turns that I hadn’t planned!
About the book
Sapphire and Will vow to love each other forever. But when a car crash ends that dream all too soon, they find themselves separated in an afterlife with zones named after the colours of the rainbow. Determined to find each other, they start an adventurous journey alongside a cast of characters they don’t know whether to trust. They finally meet again in the terror-fuelled Red Zone where the dreaded Soul Catchers are planning on taking over the entire afterworld and are plunged into a dangerous battle. Is their love strong enough to survive against the odds?
About the Author
Karen has four romcoms published by Accent Press, and a fifth one is due out in June this year, Her latest romcom, The Cornish Hotel by the Sea, was #3 in the Amazon bestseller holiday reads. She has recently signed a two book-contract with Bookouture for more romance novels.
Karen has also written several short stories for women’s magazine and had 120 children’s books published.
When she isn’t writing, Karen likes travelling, watching the ‘soaps’ and reading. Give her a good book and a box of chocolates and she thinks she’s in Heaven.
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Janet Gogerty
Definitely a chocoholic- amazing how it energises when we are writing.
Gosh yes. I reckon it stimulates the brain. :)
Thanks for inviting me on to your blog, Faye. x
Jane Risdon
Not a chocolate lover, but can see that it helps many write. Many congrats Karen, great to read this and wishing you much success.
Thank you, Jane. X