Author Interview: Marie Laval
Author Interview: Marie Laval
Today I am pleased to welcome Marie Laval on to the blog with a quick interview! She’s come up with some intriguing answers!
What is your favourite thing about writing books?
Without any doubt it’s losing myself in an imaginary world, and having the chance to live another life and fall in love with a gorgeous hero – not that I don’t have one of those at home for real, of course!
Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
I absolutely loved Rosalie. She is a warm, funny, bubbly young woman, and she is incredibly kind and loyal to her friends and family. I had a lot of fun writing the early scenes between her and Marc who is just her opposite – cold, stuck-up and business minded, until of course he opens up his heart.
What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
Tea if I am writing in the morning and black coffee in the afternoon, both without milk. At weekends I do enjoy a glass of red wine or two in the evenings too!
Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
I probably eat too many chocolate biscuits with my tea or coffee!
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I am a total pantser, I’m afraid. I do have a vague idea about where the characters and the plot are going, but things always change and evolve along the way. I usually have the final scene in my mind but no idea how to get there. I make up everything as I go along, which isn’t always great because when I get stuck, which is often, have to backtrack and sometimes delete whole subplots that don’t work. I have tried to plan more, but it never seems to work out.
How do you research your books?
I always start a new story by buying a map of the area where it is set, and I have a number of maps now, from Algeria to the far North of Scotland, via Provence in France and Paris, where my new project is set. I have a thing about maps, which I find a constant source of inspiration. I also always buy a few guide books about the setting, as well as more academic books when needed. The Internet is a wonderful research tool, and being French I am lucky to be able to access sites both in French and in English. Let’s not forget photos and videos too, because it is not always possible to travel and it’s really great to be able to watch a film or a documentary about the setting of the story. I enjoy researching a story very much, probably too much.
If you could live in a fictional world, which would you choose and why?
That’s a tough question. I love reading and writing historical romance and a part of me can picture myself living the life of a Regency heroine. However I would probably find it hard to follow the rules of etiquette and abide by the constraints placed on women in those days. I probably wouldn’t enjoy the lack of modern facilities and medical care either. Still, I think I could cope if I got to meet one or two handsome heroes on horseback…
About the book

Rosalie Heart is a well-known face in Irlwick – well, if you drive a bright pink taxi and your signature style is a pink anorak, you’re going to draw a bit of attention! But Rosalie’s company Love Taxis is more than just a gimmick – for many people in the remote Scottish village, it’s a lifeline.
Which is something that Marc Petersen will never understand. Marc’s ruthless approach to business doesn’t extend to pink taxi companies running at a loss. When he arrives in Irlwick to see to a new acquisition – Raventhorn, a rundown castle – it’s apparent he poses a threat to Rosalie’s entire existence; not just her business, but her childhood home too.
On the face of it Marc and Rosalie should loathe each other, but what they didn’t count on was somebody playing cupid…
About the Author

LITTLE PINK TAXI is Marie’s second contemporary romance and is published by Choc Lit. It will be released on February 20th but is available for pre-order at the special price of £0.99 here.
One Comment
Angela Britnell
Love the sound of your story and looking forward to reading it soon. Never apologize for how you write – it’s what works for you which is all that counts!