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Author Interview: Rod Graham

Author Interview: Rod Graham

Hey All!

Today is my stop on the Walk a Narrow Line blog tour and I am here today with an interview with the author!

Title: Walk a Narrow Line
Author: Rod Graham
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Published: 5th May 2020
Format: Paperback
Source:: N/A
Add It: Waterstones. Goodreads.
Summary: Driven on unrelentlessly not to be beaten down by failure, this is one man’s extraordinary true-life story, which highlights the ever-present need to find your way in the world. Across the diverse life adventures over a seventy-year period, a picture is painted of a life that has led from neglect to success and from abuse to knowledge. This book will inspire those who read it to do better.

The Interview

How long did it take you to write your book?
The research part involved looking for and finding old records at various records offices. This was a crusade that took about a year.

I started the actual writing in February, dedicating at least two hours (which usually ended up as four hours) each week day afternoon from about 2pm.

I had finished writing by the end of August.

What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
Water and occasionally a cup of tea if someone in the house brings me one!

Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
I don’t know; I am usually too engrossed in the thought process.

However, I will try to remember to watch out for them now that you have bought it up!

 How would you entice people to read your book?
As a musician and songwriter, I have released an album with the book. The first track of the album is available as a free download with any purchase of the paperback or eBook.

Also, I think that most people like to be shown the way; someone might be tempted to read the book if they saw it as a good life example.

If you could live in any fictional world, which would you choose and why?
 The fictional world of Dr Dolittle. It would be really interesting to see what animals think about us humans and if we behave right by them.

It might also be good to know if my dogs are sassing me when I don’t take them for a walk!

If you could befriend any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
I rather like Richard Crompton’s character in ‘Just William’.

I love the way William Brown questions every rule and sets out to break most of them, but it is all done with a childish innocence. Yes, I want to be a member of his gang, getting up to harmless mischief can be such fun.

About the Author

Rod Graham has been a music teacher for more than forty years, whilst also working as a professional musician. He has performed solo and with many different bands as well as sharing a stage with quite a few well-known artistes.
He would tell you that the gift of song and the ability to make music {even though he’s still learning} for his own pleasure and for the enjoyment of others is a treasure more rewarding than words can portray.
After a troubled childhood which led from being abandoned by birth parents, mistreated by a step mother, placed in care and sexually abused while in care; to sleeping rough and being given a prison sentence as a young adult; the author has managed to lift himself up and finally shed the shadows of his past. His life so far has been far from ordinary, involving many trials and tribulations; triumphs and adventures, some of which he shares with the reader in this book. Rod has raised two families and passed on his musical knowledge to countless other young and not so young people.
Recently while Rod was trying to negotiate official channels during his research of old court records relating to his time in care, he was described as ‘Extremely tenacious’ and ‘like a dog who won’t let go of a bone’ by his lawyer who was convinced that trying to dig out sixty year old court records was a futile exercise. Rod proved him wrong and probably set a record for the oldest historic abuse claim in this country.
The author would also like to share his album of ten outstanding songs, from his extensive repertoire, with the reader. The title song ‘Because You Can’ can be downloaded free of charge via a link inside the book. Hopefully, you would find some inspiration in both the music and the book.

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