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Author Interview: Steven Gill (& Giveaway!)

Author Interview: Steven Gill (& Giveaway!)

Today is my stop on the The Rock ‘N’ The ‘Roll ‘N’ That blog tour and I am pleased to welcome Steven Gill on to the blog with a quick interview! He’s come up with some great answers!


What is your favourite thing about writing books?
I view the process as if it’s a colouring book. You sketch the outlines in the first draft and then colour the characters/story in when editing it.

Who is your favourite character in your book and why?
Tough question! There’s a real love/hate I have with Lara – a key love interest. She is utterly consumed by fame and I loved seeing how far she would go to maintain her image and profile. She thinks nothing of collateral damage if it is necessary.

What is your favourite drink to consume while writing?
Simple. Coffee and Diet Coke. There has to be a drink to hand when I’m writing.

Do you have any bad habits while you’re writing?
Aside from the quicksand of social media/emails, I can obsess over what music I’m playing.

How do you research books?
Drawing on life experience. Or if you need to soak up a location or venue, tell people that you are researching a book, and this tends to pique their curiosity and can literally open doors!

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
That’s such a great expression. I think to a degree, you have to be a combination of the two. In my view a sketched outline of the plot/narrative is necessary but not too rigid.

I like the concept of a plotted start and ending, and you then create the middle a little more spontaneously. You can surprise yourself this way.

If you could live in any fictional world, which would you choose and why?
Great question! If I could treat it like an extended holiday, then the Steinbeckian dustbowl/great depression era fascinates me. We live in uncertain but ultimately cosseted times with such disposable luxuries and consumables readily available, it’d be a humbling experience to witness such a different point in time.

If you could befriend any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
Brilliant question to finish off. I’d say Billy Casper from ‘Kes’ If I could befriend him and insist that he places the bet that would ultimately lead to his kestrel surviving. It breaks my heart when its dead body is discovered in the bin.

Thanks for these questions, I really enjoyed responding to them.

About the book

“Rock ‘n’ roll is a nuclear blast of reality in a mundane world where no-one is allowed to be magnificent.” The former manager of The Runaways said that. The mad bastard. And Johnny Harrison swore by it. He had to. Almost forty, fully paid up member of the rat race and bored sh*tless. He had to believe in something. Then something happened. Something magnificent. A once in a lifetime band dropped out of the sky and right into his lap. A band unaware of just how great they could be. A band that had no idea what was about to hit them. A band that needed someone to light the fuse. That someone was Johnny Harrison and the truth was he needed them so much more. They were his ticket out. That’s how it is with THE ROCK ‘N’ THE ROLL. ‘N’ THAT. Buy your ticket and take the ride.

About the Author

Steven J. Gill is from Manchester, living just south of the city centre.

This is his first book. Previously, his writing work was limited to music and football fanzines.

He has had quite the varied career, ranging from finance, delivering enterprise days to schools, undertaker and. driver.

A self-confessed cats, coats and Beatles obsessive.

Very much in right time and right place in the early 80’s and 90’s and duly devoured all that the Manchester music scene had to offer. Talked a lot of nonsense and managed a couple of bands that never unite made it big. Sings like a donkey braying into a bucket but a very good musical ear would be a fitting epitaph…

Having had somewhat of a literary epiphany at the inaugural Festival No.6 in North Wales, Steven decided it was time to set to and get writing. ‘The Rock ‘n’ The Roll. ‘ N” That…’ is the fruit of these labours.”

As some Scouse pop genius once opined, “it took me years to write, so won’t you take a look…”

Website. Twitter. Instagram.


For all of you lucky readers of mine, you have an opportunity to win an ebook copy of this book! To enter, you can either comment on this blog post and say you’re entering, or simply follow me on twitter and RT the below tweet! (Click it to be sent to Twitter).

ENDS: 06/02/2019. Open Internationally.

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