Behind the Blog

Behind The Blog #24 – Fright Night


Behind the Blog is a meme to help bloggers connect their life and interests to the content showcased on their blog. The co-hosts, Faye, Kathe, and Melissa will provide a different topic, idea, or question every week that bloggers can relate to themselves and the books, films, or other media they find interesting!

Halloween is almost here! Halloween is a day of scares, candy and fun. It’s also a day of spooky legends and scary lore. Some say that the veil between this world and the “Otherworld” is at it’s thinnest, which allows beings like ghosts, demons, spirits etc. to enter our world. Do you believe this is true? What is your favorite Halloween memory, tradition, or costume? What are your Halloween plans?
In relation to books/media: What are some scary books that you’d recommend? What about horror movies?

I have always had very mixed thoughts about Halloween. On the one hand, as a child, I loved getting dressed up and going door to door to get sweets and money – what kid didn’t? – but now that I am older, I am under the very likely impression that Halloween nowadays is simply a consumerist holiday. If the stores can get more money out of us, why wouldn’t they take that chance?

Now, let’s not make this post a depressing one. I do actually like Halloween because I love watching “scary” movies with friends, I like having parties and having a good time – even if I don’t really understand the whole reason behind the “holiday”. But who am I to turn down having a good time?

So for this post I am going to tell you about my Halloween plans for this year. I’m actually really excited this year as I’m going to a house party and it’s been a long while since I’ve actually been to one. But, before that, I’m first going to be going to an author meet in Foyles called Fearfest where I will see the authors like C. J. Daugherty, Laura Powell, Karen Mahoney, and Ruth Warburton. I’m also meeting up with Lucy from ChooseYA and Daphne from Winged Reviews, so I reckon it’s going to be a hell of an afternoon!

Then, once I’m all delirious about that, I’ll be trekking to one of my friends’ house for her house party. Most likely I’ll help with the decorations and from the way she’s been talking, I’m pretty certain this is going to be pretty epic. One of the better things about Halloween house parties are the fact that you have the chance to make houses scarier and more fun then they ever have been before. In truth, Halloween is that one day a year when we can be who ever we want to be, we can hide between our masks.

My costume this year went through many different thoughts, it took a while before I stuck on one idea. Eventually I have come to the conclusion that I am going to be a zombie school girl. Not the most original idea, granted, but it’s fairly cheap, it’ll be interesting and fun too. I’m not the biggest fan of fancy dress – I know this post doesn’t seem that way – because I don’t like paying large sums for an outfit I’ll only wear once, whereas this costume is one that I can make from my wardrobe and just a touch of make-up and that works perfectly for me.

This will all be happening this Saturday (or tomorrow), but on the actual date I will probably find myself sitting in front of the television watching “scary” movies and laughing at how just utterly unrealistic they seem. That or I’ll make sure that I spend the day reading a scary novel because sometimes it is just nice to get into the festive mood, isn’t it?

What about you? What are your festive plans?

I’m going to be doing this a little differently as I don’t remember many of the scary books I read a while back so I’m going to highlight the selection of books I have to choose on reading this halloween.



Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
The Diviners by Libba Bray
Arise by Tara Hudson
The Haunted by Niki Valentine

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  • Melissas Midnight Musings

    I never got money when I was trick or treating, it’s neat that you did. The only people I know who did were those who go out trick or treating for UNICEF.

    Halloween has become a far more commercialized holiday than it really needs to be, but then I suppose the same could be said of any of the major holidays.

    The house party sounds like fun, I hope you have a good time!

  • alexandrasscribblings

    Oooh, the author-fest sounds heaps exciting. I recently read (and reviewed) Karen Mahoney’s “Falling to Ash”. I’d read her first book, “The Iron Witch”, and wasn’t a fan, but there was something about “Falling to Ash” that just clicked for me.
    Zombie school girl sounds fun – I completely agree with the refusing to pay lots of money for something you barely wear. Both my high school formal/prom dresses were hand-me-downs, and I loved them.
    My family doesn’t do Halloween, partly because of its pagan origins. I agree with you that it’s become incredibly comercialised, and that a lot of people don’t really know what it’s for, but I think Melissa’s right, that’s the case for a lot of the holidays.

  • Theta Sigma

    I loved The Name of The Star. I can’t wait for The Madness Underneath.

    You can’t escape from Anna Dressed In Blood on the blogs, so I’ve put that and The Diviners on to my Kindle Wish List.

    Hope that you enjoy your reads.

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