
Blog TLC! (AKA; April Spring Clean)

Hey Guys!

So, while you may not have noticed, this blog has been gathering a little bit of dust in a few places and it’s really starting to irritate me but I am also finding that I don’t have the time to pull out the duster while I am working full time and still blogging every day and vlogging on the side as well.

Thus I have decided that in April I am going to dedicate a LOT of my time to clearing out all of the dust bunnies in this place to make it shiny and pretty for all of you!

What does this mean in the long run?
As I mentioned above, I haven’t had the time to clean this place while I’ve been so busy and so to give this blog the tender loving care that it deserves, I have decided that in April I am going to be taking a step back. I will still be blogging, but it may only be one or twice a week at most.

What do I plan to do?

  • Clear out my categories!; When I moved over from blogger (over a year ago!), it made all of my “tags” become categories and I still haven’t sorted them out. In April I plan to do exactly that.
  • Re-organise and freshen up my pages!; I haven’t looked at them in a while, they need updating and changing!
  • Have a good look at my sidebar; I might change things up, move things around, add things in… we’ll see! I just think it needs something.
  • Cross-post EVERY review; I do this every few months anyway but I haven’t done it for a while so I have decided to go through and make sure that every review on this blog is also on Amazon and Goodreads.
  • Re-code my early posts; Again, when I moved from blogger, a lot of my coding went a little crazy. I want to try and sort some of these codes out – especially on my reviews!

And because I should hopefully have a little bit of extra time, I also want to sort out my Goodreads shelves. They’ve been a crazy mess for a while and I want to CHANGE it.

Questions for you!
So as I like to keep this place user friendly and as I do all of this for you guys, I’d love to know what you think works or doesn’t work so I just have a few questions for you. No obligation to answer, but wouldn’t it be great if you saw your answer come true?

  • What do you think works well on this blog?
  • What do you think doesn’t work?
  • What would you love to see on my blog? Page-wise or side-bar wise?
  • Would you like to be updated on how the spring clean is going?
  • Do you have any great suggestions for Goodreads organisation?

And that’s it!

I’ll be around on twitter, and as mentioned above, I’ll still be posting a few times – and I’ll definitely still be reading!

But I just thought I’d warn you that I won’t be as active as I once was!



  • SnugglingontheSofa

    Eeek, good luck with your spring clean! Its all those little housekeeping bits that you always mean to get round to. I feel your pain with crossposting. One day I will catch up. I think my big one is review writing, I’m just so behind! Good luck :-)

  • Michelle (Fluttering Butterflies)

    Ooh, good luck with this! I always try to do my cross-posting once a month so things don’t pile up too much. I know my Pages and Tags are always a little bit out of control. It can be hard to keep up to date with so many things so it’s great to spend some time freshening up stuff. Hope you get everything you want done this month!

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