Blogger Spotlight



blogger spotlight!

MICHELLE! (Fluttering Butterflies)

Every month I choose a new Blogger to spotlight on my blog. This blogger is usually someone who I have come to know through blogging, someone who I admire and whose blog should be getting a lot more traffic! Being a part of this means that the blogger gets their website “stickied” to the top of my blog *points to left-hand corner*, they get an interview and a few other things here and there throughout the month! It’s a way for me to share my love of them to you, and for you to find a new and amazing blog!

Got that? Good.

So, this month’s Blogger Spotlight is Michelle from Fluttering Butterflies!

Why is Michelle Chosen?
I first met Michelle around June last year at the Random House Blogger Brunch. I hadn’t heard of Fluttering Butterflies before then but once I met her and got to know her, I added her on twitter and started visiting her blog. Since then, I have gotten to know Michelle a lot more, mostly though conversations on twitter but also through her blog posts and I am so glad that I have because she is such a lovely person. Michelle is kind, fun to talk to, an amazing mother and just generally someone that you really should get to know because she is just so sweet!

Her posts always have a touch of personality to them, and her love of books and blogging easily shines through. Plus she loves all the British books and has a very big flag for British books and authors and I kind of love that about her. She’s always friendly and her posts are usually quite interesting with a mix of reviews, interviews, personal posts and guest posts. She really does just have a blog that you should be following – plus, she’s been here for SEVEN years now. o-O

So, what are you waiting for? Go follow her!



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