Blogger Spotlight,  Interview

Blogger Spotlight; Interview!

Daphne Spotlight

Hey Guys!
So today I am finally introducing you to the wonderful Daphne at Winged Reviews. I will be asking her some questions for you all to read over and enjoy!
Hope it helps you get a better insight into her and her co-blog!

Tell us a little something about yourself!
I’m a displaced Asian, who has been in the UK for much too long (I miss sunshine)! I’ve been an avid reader since I was in the second grade, when I read my first Sweet Valley Kids book and never looked back.

How long have you had your blog?
Just a little over a year.

Do you enjoy running your blog?
Yes. Sometimes it is hard work, especially having to balance my job with blog posts and general reading, but when people read and comment on the blog, it’s incredibly satisfying.

When you started, did you ever think that it would end up the way it has?

No, I think it’s gone better than I expected! I never imagined I would get to connect with authors and publishers the way I have.

Is there an interesting background story to the name of your blog, if there is, tell us!
Alison and I were throwing some suggestions around when we decided to blog together, and all we knew was we didn’t want it to be too genre-specific. I’ve been on LiveJournal for a really long time and my username there is ‘winged’, so I just tried ‘Winged Reviews’ to see how it would sound, and Alison really liked it! I like that it hints at a little bit of fantasy/paranormal without being too over the top with it. Plus, it lets us use cool wings as a rating system.

As we’ve got this far without mentioning it, why not tell us a little something about your blog, what you post, how it runs, who you cater to, etc.
Our blog mainly focuses on YA books, but we’ll review adult books every now and then. We post reviews and memes mainly, but I am trying to branch out and come up with innovative content. I’ve got a couple of ideas for new features up my sleeve in the new year, so look out for that! As for how it runs, Alison and I just schedule posts as and when we can, as we can get overwhelmed with work and life. Sometimes she posts more, sometimes I do. It kind of goes back and forth! I do all the behind the scenes ‘technical’ stuff though, and the graphics/layout for the blog.

Do you participate or host and blog memes? If you do, which is your favourite?
I love memes, they are a great way to connect with fellow bloggers! We participate in Waiting on Wednesday, Teaser Tuesday, and Showcase Sunday the most. I have to say, I love Waiting on Wednesday the best, mainly because I get way too excited about new covers and upcoming books. I hope to host a meme soon. Again, I’ve got some ideas and I’m on the lookout for a co-hoster!

What about blog tours and blog hops? Have you ever or do you ever want to participate in them?
Again, I’m a big fan of blog tours, because it gives the hosts and readers a chance to connect with the authors/publishers in a really great way. I’ve had the honour of interviewing some great authors for blog tours and I love getting to find out a bit more about the book, their process and just themselves!

What is the best book you read in 2011?
So many, but it will have to be a tie (because you can’t just make me pick one). The first would be Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, which revived the contemporary YA genre and was a breath of fresh air. Then, I have to say Across the Universe, which was so unique in its premise, and really intelligently done. Great mystery, great characters.

What about in 2012?
I’m going to cheat again and say Laini Taylor’s series. I can’t believe I waited so long to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, which was so incredible in its scale and beautiful writing. Then I read Days of Blood and Starlight which was so different in tone but just as amazing. Can’t recommend this series enough!

Has there ever been a book that you haven’t been able to finish? If so, what was it? And why couldn’t you finish?
Most recently, it was a book I had to read for book club, back when I had time to participate in one! It was called The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance by Edmund de Waal. Now I’m not a fan of non-fiction to begin with, but I have read some engrossing ones. This though, was about a young man looking back through his family genealogy through little objects. Most of the first part of the book was about his ancestors being in with the Paris art scene, and it was far too much name-dropping about people I didn’t really know, so I just gave up.

What is your favourite book genre?
Fantasy. I am in awe of authors with the depth of imagination to come up with not just a story and characters, but a whole world to go with it.

Quick Fire Round

ebook or hardcopy?
For reviewing, hardcopy
ya or adult?
Recently, it’s been YA all the way!
vampires or werewolves?
Werewolves. They’re WARM.
chocolate or vanilla?
harry potter or twilight?

Harry Potter was my childhood (and so much better), so definitely that.
four or peeta?

PEETA. This old website of mine will tell you why:
series or single?

Series. You get to fall in love with the characters and world more.
blogger or wordpress?

WordPress. Widgets, plug-ins and the customisation options are a Godsend.

And finally,

Is there anything else you would like to say about you or your blog?
Look out for a new layout soon! Thanks everyone that has supported the blog so far and I hope you keep visiting in 2013 :)
Thank you so much for picking me as your blogger of the month and hosting this interview!

Thanks so much for talking with us today Daphne! It’s been a pleasure hosting you! If you feel that she’s someone you want to see more of, why not go and follow her blog?



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