Blogoversary; Kerrie Interview!

Hey Guys!
So today I have for you all the lovely Kerrie from Read and Repeat. I met Kerrie on the train near the beginning of the year as we both made our way to the Random House Blogger Brunch! We’d been chatting on twitter for a little bit before hand, and it was great to finally be properly introduced to her. Kerrie is an amazing person and someone I’m happy to call a friend. But instead of being greedy and keeping her to myself, I decided to ask her some questions so that you can all get to know her a little better as well!
Let’s start with some basics. What is your name and the name of your blog?
Hi, I’m Kerrie and my blog is Read and Repeat.
How long have you been blogging?
I’ve been blogging for about 18 months now.
Do you remember the very first post that you wrote for your blog?
umm *goes and checks* It was a review for Night School by C.J. Daugherty
Does your blog have a set schedule?
No, I’ve always tried not to put pressure on myself about when to post, the only thing that I do to schedule is the Two Pound Tuesdays fortnightly feature that I share with Pruedence at The Library Mouse.
Do you know, roughly, how much time you spend blogging?
Between 8 and 10 hours a week but I do most of my blogging on the weekend.
If you receive them, or even if you don’t, what are your views on ARCs?
I’m very lucky that I do receive them but I do put pressure on myself to read ARCs and I always feel really bad if I don’t enjoy the book.
How would you say blogging has changed your interaction with authors?
Massively, before I started the blog I didn’t speak to authors at all now I love interacting with them and telling them how much I love their work.
What about publishers?
Before the blog I didn’t speak to publishers at all, I would of been too nervous about speaking to them.
Do you think you’d still read blogs if you didn’t blog yourself?
Absolutely, before I started Read and Repeat I read a lot of different book blogs and it was reading them which inspired me to start my own.
And finally, do you have anything to say about vlogs? Do you vlog? Do you watch vlogs?
I don’t vlog myself but I really enjoy watching others, it’s something I have been thinking of doing myself for a while but I’m not sure how good I would be.
Quick Fire Round
Reviews or Features?
Comments or pageviews?
Has to be comments, I love receiving them!
E-mail subscription or RSS Feed (i.e. Bloglovin, Networked Blogs)?
Facebook or Twitter?
Blogs or Vlogs?
Thank you so much for answering all of my questions Kerrie! It’s been great getting to know a little more about you and your blogging self, and I’m sure all my lovely followers feel the same way too!
What about you guys? Do you agree that comments are great? Or do you prefer Facebook to Twitter?
And don’t forget to keep coming back to the blog for the next two weeks for more interviews, guest posts, and prizes!
Rachelia (Bookish Comforts)
Great questions & nice to “meet” you Kerrie! Totally agree, comments over pageviews any day :)
Anne Consolacion
It’s cool that you two are friends. I follow her blog too. :)