Blogoversary,  Guest Post

Blogoversary; Sophie Guest Post

sophie guest post

Hey Guys!
So for you all today I have the amazing Sophie from So Many Books, So Little Time. She has written a guest post for all of you on her top blogging experiences! Hope you enjoy finding them out and getting to know Sophie a little better!

Top Ten Blogging Experiences

To celebrate the Two Year Blogoversary of the fantastic A Daydreamer’s Thoughts, Faye asked me to write about my top ten blogging experiences.

So, in no particular order, the best things that have happened around blogging since I started in January 2009:

Interviewing Sarah Dessen earlier this year was one of the best moments of my year full stop. She’s my favourite author and being offered a spot on her blog tour made me squeal and dance like a madman for the rest of the afternoon.

– The first blogger meet up in the summer of 2009 – I think! – was amazing. I got to meet the people I’d been talking to online for months and the girls at Random House even popped down to Waterstone’s Piccadilly to give us gorgeously wrapped proofs of Fallen by Lauren Kate. We chatted about books for hours!

– During my Easter break this year I did two weeks of work experience at S&S. Though I already knew I wanted to work in children’s publicity, this fortnight cemented that knowledge beyond doubt. I adored it and I hope that I’ll be in that position again soon.

– Being emailed by Cision to tell them that I’m there 2010 No.1 Children’s/Teen Blogger was fantastic. It was strange to be recognised by a company like that and it got me some really nice traffic for a few weeks!

– Having my reviews quoted in books fantastic. It seems a little improbable when you start out, but it does happen and it’s wonderful to open a book and see your blog name under something you wrote.

– At the beginning of the year I was asked to host a blog tour stop for the final Artemis Fowl book. Even though I’ve only read the first three books in the series, I was overjoyed to have Eoin Colfer write something for me to post. He’s such a beloved author and I was so excited.

– In 2010 I saw a Meg Rosoff, Melvin Burgess and David Almond panel at the Bath Children’s Literature Festival. Me and Carly (Writing From the Tub) were in awe. They were fantastic speakers and it was one of the best events I’ve been too.

– Receiving your first review copy is such a big moment for a book blogger. Mine was Split by a Kiss by Luisa Plaja, which Luisa herself emailed me about and got her publisher to send me a copy. So started a relationship with RHCP and a love of Luisa and her books.

– Last summer I was lucky enough to be invited for afternoon tea with Maggie Steifvater, Kate from Schoalstic and a few other bloggers. I’ve met Maggie several times before and she was just as lovely and funny as before. We had a fantastic time and spent most of the afternoon laughing.

– Perhaps the biggest and most important thing I’ve gained is the people that I’ve met. The bloggers, publicists, editors, authors and readers are all amazing people and I’ve gained more friends that I could ever have imagined. We blog in a wonderful community and I wouldn’t swap it for the world.

Happy blogoversary Faye!

Thanks for such a great post Sophie! It’s been lovely hosting you on the blog!
What about you guys? What’s your favourite blogging experience?




  • Clover

    OOh. What an interesting idea. I wouldn’t even know where to start with my own list of blogging highlights. Hmm.

    ..I’m sure meeting Maggie Stiefvater at that little cafe and talking with her for ages would definitely be on there though, that was magical.

  • Rachelia (Bookish Comforts)

    I loved reading about Sophie’s top 10 book blogging experiences. Interviewing Sarah Dessen is an AMAZING accomplishment! I also think it would be so freaking cool to see your reviews quoted in books.

    Meeting other bloggers is always such a wonderful experience too!!

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