
Blogspiration #18; Dreams

Blogspiration is a weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA & Saz101. This meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the authors choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation & just a little SOMETHING.

Okay, so this week has been quite hectic on my side of things. I went on a spur-of-the-moment holiday trip which was busier than I thought and when I returned, after eating out for so many days I decided I needed to do something about it and my little sister has actually started running every day as well as working out on the Wii Fit for 30mins too and I decided I would join her. With that, my volunteering, my job and socialising, time to spend on the blog just went way down. This blogspiration, however, is about making the best of who you are and what you can be; which is what I plan to do with this blog and off this blog!

While on holiday we went shopping and in one of the shops, there were some really pretty and really inspirational quotes on small little plaques. Eventually I took the plunge and bought one – and it turned out to be the last one of that type! Anyway, this is what I bought;

* sorry for the low quality photo – taken on iTouch*

Take all that you’ve become
to be all that you can be,
soar above the clouds
and let your dreams
set you free.

So, it’s probably no mystery that recently I’ve been feeling a little lost. After graduating from university and having a lot of decision to make, it just felt like my life was taking me backwards instead of forwards. It’s been a struggle and while I’m not fully in the clear and probably still have a long way to go before I can finally say I know where I’m going in life, this message really struck home for me.

University has, at times, felt more like a burden to me lately. Some employers like that you’ve graduated but some frown upon it – because surely you’re too intelligent to work for us. It’s been an internal battle for me but now I know that it is a journey I have loved and taken and while it may not have given me vital work experience, it has helped to shape who I am.

So I am going to take all who I have become to be all that I can be, I’m going to soar above the clouds and let my dreams set me free. I am going to apply for every film or book related job that comes my way that is in the field I’m most interested in – organisation. I won’t let university be a waste, it’ll be a part of who I will forever be.

With that in mind, I say to you all to do the same thing. Don’t get yourself buried in nonsense, let your mind at rest and let your dreams set you free.

I hope that my blogspiration can inspire you as much as it has me.


  • nea barabea

    Faye!! My beautiful Faye!! :) Oh my god, how much I feel you. I do. Finishing university sucks, and I am lost too. The only thing that I know is that I am moving far away from my country. To UK probably. And it’s a relief. Because these people in small towns are really starting to piss me off. I am full of it. So I am leaving for a batter place. A place where I will shine :) Hopefully. And I will find a job in a book store or library. This is what I want. Before I really go to Uni in January. Yes, for now I am stuck as a waitress, but hell, not for long more. Another month and I’ll be free. With money to go wherever to realise my dreams. And I can’t wait for it to happen <3
    Great blogspiration Sweetie <3 ;)

  • The Story Queen

    Good for you! Seriously, those fears of yours sound absolutely, 100% legitimate and I can only imagine the stress that you’re feeling. It sounds like you’re in the right spot emotionally now though and I really wish you ALL the very best in finding your dream job :)

    A beautiful message this week! Thanks so much for sharing, Faye <3


  • alexandrasscribblings

    This is lovely – the picture and the words. And I love your attitude towards uni – that despite it being hard at times, it’s shaped YOU and therefore it was worth it. I am really looking forward to seeing where you go next, but wherever it is, I am so more than sure that you’ll make the very best of it.

  • Kristin F.

    Faye, this is a really lovely blogspiration post. I know it may seem like you’re alone sometimes, like life is working out for everyone BUT you, but trust that that’s not the case. We ALL get a little confused and lost along the way. Everything that you have done in your life has shaped the person you are today. Use those experience, use that knowledge you’ve gained and do something brilliant. Follow your dreams and don’t take no for an answer!!

    Hm…have you read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho?? OMG! If you haven’t STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING and go get it! It’s great and I think you may get a lot out of it. It’s one of my favorite books of all time!

  • Sarah (saz101)

    Faye, hon, this is SO inspiring.
    And… wow.

    You are going to achieve magnificent things. Truly wonderful, amazing, inspiring things, because of this attitude, and because you’re choosing to view feeling discouraged as an obstacle to be overcome, not something to succumb to, or an insurmountable task. And I absolutely cannot wait for you to find the job that makes you overwhelmingly happy *huggles your face*

    Love you ♥

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