Book Blogger UKYA Award Winners!!

Hello All!
Today I am here to announce the winners of the Book Blogger UKYA Awards!
Before I do so, however, I just want to send out a quick thank you to every single person who nominated and voted.
I also want to take another minute to thank all of the wonderful bloggers who helped out.
Jim @ Ya Yeah Yeah
Caroline @ Big Book Little Book
Daphne @ Winged Reviews
Lucy @ Queen of Contemporary
Debbie @ Snuggling on the Sofa
Luna @ Luna’s Little Library
Sarah @ Feeling Fictional
Cicely @ Cicely Loves Books
Charli @ To Another World
Fi @ Bookish Outsider
Raimy @ Readaraptor
Michelle @ Much Loved Books
Shaila @ Hush Hush Revealings
Andrew @ The Pewter Wolf
Sam @ The Little Munchkin Reader
Julianne @ This Fleeting Dream
Laura @ Bookish Treasures
Samina @ Escapism From Reality
Catriona @ Fabulous Book Fiend
But now onto what you’re all really here for…
The Winners!
Any author that would like to have their prize on their blog can comment below, tweet me or e-mail me and I’ll send you the graphic file, or you have my permission to take it from the URL on this blog!
Caroline @Big Book Little Book
Thank you for all of your hard work. I was fantastic to be a part of these blogger/reader awards.
Caroline @Big Book Little Book
*IT!, It was fantastic! I’m not big headed I promise :)
Marlene Johnson
Great to see Sarah Mussi’s Siege being recognised-it’s a brilliant harrowing thought provoking book and the award is much deserved