Book Lover Spotlight: Caroline at Caroline Reads
Book Lover Spotlight: Caroline at Caroline Reads
Hi All!
Welcome to my new Friday Feature here on my blog!
Every Friday, for as long as I have people to spotlight, I will be posting about different book lovers that can be found on the internet!
Welcome to my Book Lover Spotlight!
Name: Caroline
Blog Name: Caroline Reads
Instagram: @carolinereadsblog
Twitter: @carolinereads_
Bio: My name is Caroline Crooks and I’m a 25 (almost 26!) year old book blogger from the North East of England, UK! I absolutely love reading and have done since I was a little girl. I have a two year old daughter who also loves reading, so I’m currently getting to relive all the classic children’s books through her (hello, Funnybones). I live with my husband, our daughter and our two pugs. Life can get a little busy with a full-time job, 2 dogs and a toddler to look after, but I always make sure I have time to pick up a book. I restarted my blog up last year as a distraction from when I was going through a rough time, and I’m so glad I did. I honestly couldn’t imaging not typing my thoughts up onto my blog now. The book blogging community is so, so lovely and I’m glad I’m a part of it!
General Book Questions
What type of books do you read? (i.e. picture books, non-fiction, YA, Adult)
Really a bit of anything that isn’t horror!
What is your favourite genre to read?
Definitely fantasy, but I also do love contemporary, too!
Do you ever read outside of your favourite genres?
How do you currently get your books?
I typically buy them from Waterstones or Amazon!
What is your favourite thing about reading?
That I can be completely immersed in another world. I work in a job that is very analytical (which I love!) so it’s just nice to come home and switch off for a bit and delve into worlds that are creative and completely different!
Blogger Questions
What type of posts do you love writing the most?
Reviews! I just love getting all my thoughts on a book out of my head and typed up into a blog post!
What type of posts do you love reading?
Again, reviews! Or monthly wrap ups. I love seeing other people’s thoughts and feelings on books I’ve read to see if we have the same or different opinion. I also love reading reviews on books I haven’t read as typically all the books I buy are ones that are raved about by other bloggers!
How long does it take for you to write and post a review?
I like to get all my thoughts typed up into a blog post pretty much immediately after I’ve finished reading the book so that my review is as raw as possible. Then I’ll retype parts and tidy bits up so that it’s structured a bit more clearly. I take my photos in bulk, so really, from start to finish it probably takes me a couple of hours for a blog post to be ready to set live!
Where do you share your blog posts?
Twitter and Instagram!
What is your favourite thing about blogging?
That I have the creative freedom to type up my thoughts on something I am genuinely very passionate about. I went through a really rough patch a couple of years ago and I started my blog back up as something to focus on, so for that I’ll forever be grateful that I have this platform that was a (much needed!) distraction when I needed it the most!
Bookstagram Questions
Does your instagram have a theme?
Yes! I accidentally stumbled into a ‘cosy flat-lay white/beige’ theme and I really liked it so I’ve just gone along with it!
Do you just write reviews or do you do other posts too?
I do other posts too. I try to post once a day, so my posts are mainly just sharing what I’m doing that day!
How do you find inspiration for your photos?
Like I mentioned above, I take all my photos in bulk (usually on a Saturday morning when I’ve got the best natural lighting), so that day, I will go to my bookshelves and just see what books are shouting out to me!
How long does it take to create a photo and upload it?
It takes me about an hour or so to take photos in bulk (I try to take a week’s worth of photos at once) and then about half an hour to edit them; I don’t do a tonne of editing because I like the natural/cosy look.
Where do you share your bookstagram posts?
Instagram, Twitter and my blog!
What is your favourite thing about bookstagram?
The community, as cliche as that sounds! When I decided to open up a separate Instagram at the beginning of the year that was solely for my books, I was welcomed with open arms and everyone has been so lovely!
Instagram Photo!

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