Book Lover Spotlight: Diana at Fortunately, the Book
Book Lover Spotlight: Diana at Fortunately, The Book
Hi All!
Welcome to my new Friday Feature here on my blog!
Every Friday, for as long as I have people to spotlight, I will be posting about different book lovers that can be found on the internet!
Welcome to my Book Lover Spotlight!
Name: Diana
Blog Name: Fortunately, the book
Instagram: @Alexiskami
Twitter: @Alexiskami
Others: Goodreads.
Bio: My name is Diana, 32 years old and I live in Turin, Italy. I am the mother of a black cat named Gomez and a red one, Fufi. I’m obsessed with Dracula and the Victorian Era. I love to spend my time reading, doing origami and needle felting.
General Book Questions
What type of books do you read? (i.e. picture books, non-fiction, YA, Adult)
I read mostly adult books and middle grade. Sometimes I read manga or graphic novels.
What is your favourite genre to read?
I love historical fiction, set in the Victorian era. Plus I love Gothic and/or horror books, fantasy and Steampunk. I also like to read non-fiction books about science and animals.
Do you ever read outside of your favourite genres?
I’ve tried sometimes to read my least favorite genres, like romance, but in the last year I’ve learned that I only loss time if I read genres that I didn’t like in the past.
How do you currently get your books?
I personally buy mostly all my books, new or used. Very few Arcs, and no library, because in my country there isn’t library with English books.
What is your favourite thing about reading?
I love to learn always something new, like it happens with historical fiction. Maybe just an anecdote or a fashion style of the past, but I’m always happy to close a book with a new knowledge.
Blogger Questions
What type of posts do you love writing the most?
I particularly love to answer to book tag, specially if they involved music, like Disney songs or The Christmas song book tag. They unite two of my passions.
What type of posts do you love reading?
I like to read discussion post, because like that I can knew what other people, maybe from another country, think about something. Not all the book community has the same opinion on something, but it need to be always discuss with respect and kindness.
How long does it take for you to write and post a review?
Ehm… A lot? During last year I lost my will to write book reviews, so right now I only write them for books I really loved or totally hated. I’m a little writing reviews however, because I need to translate my thoughts in my mind in English.
Where do you share your blog posts?
I share my post on Twitter, when I remember to do it I create a story on Instagram.
What is your favourite thing about blogging?
The beautiful sensation when you find out that someone else has the same opinion as you on a book!
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One Comment
Thank you so much for this opportunity!!