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Book Lover Spotlight: Ellie at Read to Ramble

Book Lover Spotlight: Ellie at Read to Ramble

Hi All!

Welcome to my new Friday Feature here on my blog!

Every Friday, for as long as I have people to spotlight, I will be posting about different book lovers that can be found on the internet!

Welcome to my Book Lover Spotlight!

Name: Ellie
Blog Name: Read to Ramble
Instagram: @readtoramble
Twitter: @readtoramble
Others:  Goodreads.
Bio: My name is Ellie, I’m 21 and I live in France. I love everything to do with books and am an avid reader. You can usually find me with a couple of books on the go, as soon as I finish one, I have my head in the next one already. I adore everything about writing and the way words can make us feel. My dream is to someday become a writer, I am currently writing the first draft of my first novel and I feel really good about that. I blog and post on Instagram to share the love of books but also to give back to authors who spend their time writing these wonderful books and I love showing appreciation. I’m a bit of a fantasy binge reader and will read absolutely anything about witches or magic. And I think that’s about it! 

General Book Questions

What type of books do you read? (i.e. picture books, non-fiction, YA, Adult)
I mostly read fiction, so Fantasy, Historical fiction, YA, children’s/MG, and a bit of contemporary. I also really like science-fiction but it depends on which books.

What is your favourite genre to read?
My favourite genre is definitely fantasy, I love it! 

Do you ever read outside of your favourite genres?
I usually read quite a large range of genres and will try almost everything, I just don’t like horror and will very rarely try anything in that genre. 

How do you currently get your books?
Most of the books I purchase online, only because I live in France and we don’t get many English books in bookshops in France, so I like to use Bookdepository. I also have a subscription with Fairyloot, I also have quite a few books to read on Netgalley (oops), I participate in quite a few blog tours hosted by Anne Carter on Twitter and any other books I get are given to me by friends and family. 

What is your favourite thing about reading?
I think it’s the discovery of a new world that has no expectations of me, I can be a reader and not worry about anything else. I also love reading about different cultures, languages, countries, etc, I think I generally love reading about something new. 

Blogger Questions

What type of posts do you love writing the most?
I haven’t written very many posts yet because I have only just started blogging a few weeks ago, but I really enjoyed writing my review of Ninth House. When I started it I was worried because I didn’t know where to start so I opened a word doc and just typed out some themes I had noticed and that I had enjoyed and a few other things, and two hours later I had a 2,000-word review. I write a lot of academic papers so I always write A LOT, but I really enjoyed taking the time to really go in-depth on this one. 

What type of posts do you love reading?
I really like reading reviews but also “got to know me” posts, TBR and wrap-ups and I enjoy some memes I’ve found on bloggers’ sites. 

How long does it take for you to write and post a review?
Lol, I think my Ninth House review took 3 hours but I kept going back and forth with my notes because I wasn’t sure about how to proceed, so I think I could maybe do it in about 1-2 hours. 

Where do you share your blog posts?
Mainly on Twitter but I do post about them in my stories on Instagram. 

What is your favourite thing about blogging?
My favourite thing about blogging is not being restricted by a word count and also, it’s my blog, I can write what I want, I really appreciate the feeling of freedom and creation I get with my blog. I like how I put something out into the world because I wanted to and no one asked it of me, it’s not a class assignment or a family request, it’s my own passion for books and I can say what I like without being graded down or taken for a crazy person. I can be myself, and I think that’s one of the most important aspects for me.

Bookstagram Questions

Does your instagram have a theme?
Euh… I’m currently on an Erasmus exchange in the UK, so right now it doesn’t, but when I’m back home in France, I do a lot of flat lays with a lot of photos and a wood board background, so I suppose you could say I have a “nature theme”? 

Do you just write reviews or do you do other posts too?
 On my Instagram I also post TBRs, wrap-ups, hauls…

How do you find inspiration for your photos?
Quite honestly, I’ve been doing this for a year and I just “do it” now, I don’t really look for inspiration, but when I was starting out, I looked at a lot of well-known Bookstagrammers accounts and looked on Pinterest to find a theme I found pretty because there are so many different types of photos on Instagram and I didn’t know where I fit in, but now that I’ve found my vibe I just put my background down, add some flowers and some books and hey presto! And here in the UK I try to find a white background with natural lighting and hold the book up lol, I can’t wait to be home so I can take my pretty pictures again! 

How long does it take to create a photo and upload it?
I usually take my photos in batches so I’ll do about 5 or 6 different photos, I take a lot of shots to make sure the lighting is right, it’s not blurred, the books don’t fall over, etc, and then I upload them on my computer, edit them and send them to my phone to be posted whenever, I suppose it takes me about 30 minutes to 1 hour! 

Where do you share your bookstagram posts?
When I remember to do it, I post them on Twitter! 

What is your favourite thing about bookstagram?
The photos, seeing all the beautiful books people are reading and making my TBR a lot longer but also discovering tons of books I would never have thought of reading! 

Instagram Photo!

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