Book Lover Spotlight: Jenn at Bound to Writing
Book Lover Spotlight: Jenn at Bound to Writing
Hi All!
Welcome to my new Friday Feature here on my blog!
Every Friday, for as long as I have people to spotlight, I will be posting about different book lovers that can be found on the internet!
Welcome to my Book Lover Spotlight!
Name: Jenn
Blog Name: Bound to Writing
Instagram: @bound_to_writing
Twitter: @boundtowriting
Others: Goodreads. Facebook. Pinterest.
Bio: My name is Jenn. I am a self-published author (I go by Jennifer Leigh) and also a blogger. I am a recent TCNJ graduate and love my guinea pigs and cat. My favorite genre to read is pretty much anything young adult/new adult. I prefer historical fiction, mystery, contemporary, and romance genres within the young adult/new adult genre. I love helping readers find their next favorite book and writers find the resources needed to succeed. Follow along with me in this fun journey.
General Book Questions
What type of books do you read? (i.e. picture books, non-fiction, YA, Adult)
I’m a big fan of young adult books.
What is your favourite genre to read?
My favorite genre to read lately has been contemporaries. Though, I do really enjoy mysteries, romance and historical fiction books.
Do you ever read outside of your favourite genres?
Occasionally a book catches my eye that is outside of my genre that I love reading.
How do you currently get your books?
Currently, I purchase my own copy of a book, or I use my library app to listen to audiobooks.
What is your favourite thing about reading?
I love reading because it gives me an escape from reality where I can explore places in a life that isn’t my own.
Blogger Questions
What type of posts do you love writing the most?
I love writing posts about writing. Being that I’m a book blogger and author, I love being able to post tips for other readers, but also tips for writers.
What type of posts do you love reading?
I love reading discussion posts about reading that provide a unique insight into being a reader.
How long does it take for you to write and post a review?
Usually, I write my review the day I finish or within the week since I’ve finished a book.
Where do you share your blog posts?
I share my blog posts on all of my social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I love blogging because I feel like I’m able to help others with my posts.
Blog Posts!
Bookstagram Questions
Does your instagram have a theme?
I’ve been trying to keep my theme based on the seasons. Though, sometimes it doesn’t always happen like that.
Do you just write reviews or do you do other posts too?
I write a combination of posts. I post reviews, wrap ups about my writing and what I’ve read, about books I love, and tips for other authors.
How do you find inspiration for your photos?
I find inspiration from other bookstagramers and from the props I use for my photos.
How long does it take to create a photo and upload it?
It can take me anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour to create a photo that I would upload.
Where do you share your bookstagram posts?
Usually, I share my bookstagram posts on my Instagram stories.
What is your favourite thing about bookstagram?
I love seeing all of the creativity in my feed. There are so many crazy talented people on Instagram that it makes me strive to be more creative in my posts.
Instagram Photo!

Are you following Jenn yet?

What a cool feature! :)
Thanks :)
Jenn @ Bound to Writing
Thank you so much for the spotlight Faye!
No problem at all! :)
This is such a cool feature idea Faye!
I loved this post so much – spotlight posts really do highlight some really interesting people!
Nicola Chard
I love that you do this feature, going to check out their blog and social media!
You’ve just reminded me I still haven’t hit send! I’ll have to get on that. Love this feature!
Beth Jones
The creativity of bookstagram amazes me too! I admire so many bookstagrammers so much
This is such a lovely idea – it’s always such a great way of discovering new people!
ah this is such a cute feature!! i love it.
it also meant i got to check out her insta content too <3