Book Lover Spotlight: Sabrina at The Reader Devotee
Book Lover Spotlight: Sabrina at The Reader Devotee
Hi All!
Welcome to my new Friday Feature here on my blog!
Every Friday, for as long as I have people to spotlight, I will be posting about different book lovers that can be found on the internet!
Welcome to my Book Lover Spotlight!
Name: Sabrina
Blog Name: The Reader Devotee
Instagram: @thereaderdevotee
Twitter: @readerdevotee
Others: Goodreads.
Bio: My name is Sabrina, or known as @thereaderdevotee on Instagram. I am from Malaysia, brought up in Sydney, Australia. While juggling with work, I still make time to read fictional books because I find pleasure in reading.
General Book Questions
What type of books do you read? (i.e. picture books, non-fiction, YA, Adult)
I read mostly Young Adult, consisting of contemporary, fantasy and sci-fi. I read fiction such as adult and historical fiction. I also read middle grade.
What is your favourite genre to read?
I think my most favorite genre for now is adult fiction. I want to read something is close and relatable to my age and interest.
Do you ever read outside of your favourite genres?
I don’t really, because I am scared that I ended up not liking them. This year, I tried reading a non-fiction book called KNOW MY NAME by Chanel Miller and surprisingly it is my top #1 book of 2019. So in 2020, I will try and read more non-fiction books!
How do you currently get your books?
Currently, I receive books from distributors such as Definitely Books from Singapore and Times Reads from Malaysia. I am grateful enough to receive excellent arcs and finished copies from them to review for the past two years.
What is your favourite thing about reading?
My favorite thing about reading is the experience. Every book has its own experience and story to tell. I love immersing into people’s perspective and point of view thus it broadens my mind towards certain issues in a whole new level.
Blogger Questions
What type of posts do you love writing the most?
I love writing about tags and awards and unfortunately I am just too lazy to write them anymore. I used to religiously post them because honestly I do enjoy interacting with other people and changing opinions and thoughts with them about bookish stuffs.
What type of posts do you love reading?
I think I like reading about reading wrap ups—be it weekly, monthly or yearly. I like watching how people change and progress throughout a certain period of time in their reading journey.
How long does it take for you to write and post a review?
It depends, some reviews may take minutes and some may take hours. I think it depends on how much you enjoy reading it and the content inside the book.
Where do you share your blog posts?
I share my blog posts on Instagram and Twitter. I tag authors and publishers in my good reviews to express gratitude and share my love with them.
What is your favourite thing about blogging?
To be frank, the only thing that boosts my confidence is the blog stats. When there are low views, it’s a sign for me to work hard and post more constructive and critical reviews and to be more active and also involved in the community.
Blog Posts!
Bookstagram Questions
Does your instagram have a theme?
Currently, I don’t have a theme. I post whatever and whenever I like, depends on my free time.
Do you just write reviews or do you do other posts too?
I post monthly TBRs, reviews and wrap ups. I also like to post new photos when I receive new books from distributors, just to build the hype about the book.
How do you find inspiration for your photos?
I generally just scroll at the explore page where usually a lot of bookstagrammers post great photos for inspiration.
How long does it take to create a photo and upload it?
For a photo with a simple background, only 30 minutes to come up with the caption and edits.
Where do you share your bookstagram posts?
I don’t usually share my Instagram photos anywhere.
What is your favourite thing about bookstagram?
My favourite thing is that I can keep myself updated with the new releases and arcs from other bookstagrammers. I also love that there is a Malaysian bookstagram community, so it is nice that we have people that share the same interest.
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