Article,  Blogger Spotlight,  Books

Book Lover Spotlight: Shalini at Book Rambler

Book Lover Spotlight: Shalini at Book Rambler

Hi All!

Today I am here to start the new year off with a bang (did you see what I did there?) and to introduce you all to a new Friday Feature here on my blog!

Every Friday, for as long as I have people to spotlight, I will be posting about different book lovers that can be found on the internet!

Welcome to the very first, Book Lover Spotlight!

Name: Shalini
Blog Name: Book Rambler
Instagram: Book_Rambler
Twitter: Book_Rambler
Others:  Pinterest. Facebook. Goodreads. Bloglovin.
Bio: I’m Shalini, an avid reader, daydreamer, future scientist. Besides rambling about books and posting pictures of them, I love to bake and dance. My full-time job is being a student while my part-time one is talking about books on my blog and Instagram!

General Book Questions

What type of books do you read? (i.e. picture books, non-fiction, YA, Adult)
I love to read fiction: YA, thrillers, romance, historical fiction, literary fiction, fantasy. 

What is your favourite genre to read?
Fantasy and Thrillers

Do you ever read outside of your favourite genres?
I have read few middle grade and horror 

How do you currently get your books?
Besides the copies I receive from publishers, I buy books from Amazon, my local bookstore, or Book Depository. 

What is your favourite thing about reading?
That I get to immerse myself in a new world and I get to meet so many new, albeit imaginary, friends! 

Blogger Questions

What type of posts do you love writing the most?
I like writing lists such as top ten tuesday and book reviews! 

What type of posts do you love reading?
I love book recommendation posts, top ten lists 

How long does it take for you to write and post a review?
Depends on the book,it can take half an hour to one hour. 

Where do you share your blog posts?
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest 

What is your favourite thing about blogging?
Just being able to share my thoughts on books with fellow bloggers and readers. Spreading word about books others may not have known about.. 

Blog Posts!

Bookstagram Questions

Does your instagram have a theme?
Hmm..I guess I have a warm theme going on. 

Do you just write reviews or do you do other posts too?
I do both! 

How do you find inspiration for your photos?
Sometimes from the book, sometimes from Pinterest, Instagram too 

How long does it take to create a photo and upload it?
It can take 10 mins or half an hour to create; then there’s editing which can take 5 mins(I think) and I need to spend 15 mins(feels like forever) thinking of a caption. When all that is done, I click publish…of course, if insta is being glitchy, then the post might take hours to go up! 

Where do you share your bookstagram posts?
Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest. I also have an Instagram widget on my blog 

What is your favourite thing about bookstagram?
I think that it’s a brilliant space for book lovers to share their book photos and opinions. It’s also a great place to discover bookish businesses and vice-versa. Of course, bookstagram has also given a major advantage to the book publishing industry(that also comes with its negatives). .

Instagram Posts!

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