Books,  Four Stars,  Review,  YA

Book Review; Control by Kim Curran (Shift #2)

ControlAuthor: Kim Curran
Publisher: Strange Chemistry
Published: 1st August 2013
Pages: 350
Format: Paperback
Source:: Netgalley
Add It: Goodreads, Amazon UK, TBD

Scott Tyler is not like other teenagers. With a single thought he can alter reality around him. And he can stop anyone else from doing the same.

That’s why he’s so important to ARES, the secret government agency that regulates other kids like him: Shifters.

They’ve sent him on a mission. To track down the enigmatic Frank Anderson. An ex-Shifter who runs a project for unusual kids – as if the ability to change your every decision wasn’t unusual enough. But Anderson and the kids have a dark secret. One that Scott is determined to discover.

As his obsession with discovering the truth takes him further away from anyone he cares about, his grip on reality starts to weaken. Scott realises if he can’t control his choices, they’ll control him.

In Just

I have been wanting to read this book ever since I finished reading Shift. As I mentioned in my review of that book, I couldn’t wait to see what else Kim wrote and thus I was incredibly glad when this book was just as great as her first book. As soon as I finished reading this book, I felt like I had just been blown away. It had an amazing cliff-hanger-like ending that just really showed how brilliant and detailed the entire series is.

One Blink

In this second book of the series, the plot was one that had you on the edge of the seat. You were continuously wondering what was going to happen next and how could things ever be repaired? I loved how detailed everything was and how it really showed how much of an impact one decision can make. It was the perfect example of how all of our actions have consequences, some bigger than our wildest imagining. This plot continued to have twists and turns, it was once again full of action, and it also kept up with the mystery that was found in the first book.

It Is

Once again, Kim has really nailed her characters on the head. Even her villain had an interesting backstory and wasn’t just there to be someone for the other characters to despise. As in the first book, Scott was a character that I truly enjoyed reading about. In this book he became stronger, took careful decisions, and had a lot to bear on his shoulders. I simply cannot wait to see what will happen to him and how he will continue to grow in the next book. Unfortunately, however, Aubrey still didn’t make an impact on me in this book. I loved her and Scott together, but her as a person I just couldn’t get my head behind, but she was still well-rounded but just not someone I could like.

Possible To

As mentioned previously, the one thing that really wow-ed me about this book was the ending. There were a few times while reading where I felt it was going a little slow, or rather, slower than normal but all of these moments were made up for when I got to the end of the book. Kim Curran really ended this book in an extraordinary way that has led me begging for more, while also knowing so much more about certain characters and just how important all of our decisions are. It was such a whirlwind of an ending and I just absolutely loved it. My heart is still hammering in my chest as I think about it. I truly cannot wait for the next installment in this series. I have to know what is going to happen next! Even so, I am still so glad I read this book and didn’t wait any longer.

Change Everything

In case you’re not fully convinced yet, I was blown away by this book and thought that it was a well-written, whirlwind of a book. It was a book that had action at every corner, it had you guessing, it had you thinking, it had you contemplating, and it had you going through every emotion in a small space of time. I loved how it affected me in so many ways and how I just cannot seem to get enough of Scott and the world that he lives in. I may not want this ability to ever exist, but it is certainly entertaining to read about. So, if you’re in the mood for a series that is explosive, exciting, and simply leaves you wanting more, then you should go and read Shift. And if you have read Shift, you should not wait before reading this one because it is absolutely amazing.

Four Stars

** I received this copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. **


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