Books,  Bout of Books

Bout of Books 9.0 Wrap Up.

Bout of Books

And now Bout of Books is OVER and I’m sitting here wondering where the week went and what I actually did with my time because I only reached one of my goals… ONE. But it was still a good week so I guess that’s okay!

Goals I Set Mysefl

I plan to read at least two books but I’m hoping to read three.
I want to comment on other posts every day.
I want to participate in at least two challenges.
I want to participate in at least one twitter chat.

Goals I Achieved

Of those, I managed the top one. I read two and a half books. So I even went over and above my target.
I didn’t comment on any blogs (Noooo!)
I didn’t participate in ANY challenges (Whaaat?)
I didn’t make it to any of the twitter chats (Darnit!)

Why I Failed

I feel it is important to look at this so maybe I can do better next time. Maybe.

I didn’t comment on any blogs because I was too busy working two jobs, going to the gym, seeing friends, and commenting on normal posts. So next time I need to just carve out twenty minutes to spend commenting. It shouldn’t be too hard, right?

I didn’t participate in ANY challenges. Again I was at work and for some reason it was there that I looked at what the challenges were. Then, by the time I got home, I had forgotten about it and then before I knew it, it was the next day. So next time I need to remember to look at the Bout of Books page AFTER work, not during.

I didn’t make it to any twitter chats. On the monday I was celebrating a friends birthday, Wednesday was at 2am my time and I had work the next day and on Saturday I was doing chores (doing the weekly food shop with my mum). So next time I just need to add reminders to my phone for the chats and make sure I’m not getting busy during that time!

Books I Read

Skin Deep true Bombmaker

I finished all of these books, but Skin Deep was already half read when Bout of Books started. I enjoyed all three of these books but they got better as the week went on. Literally (three stars, four stars, five stars), so that was pretty awesome!


While I didn’t reach all of my goals, I still enjoyed myself and am glad I managed to reach my reading goal! I think because I didn’t comment throughout the read-a-thon, I’m going to try and comment on some of the wrap-up posts, so do link up to yours down below so I can go and have a look!

Hope your bout of books went good for you!



  • Charleen

    It’s tough to balance reading with all of the extra stuff in Bout of Books, let alone balancing it with the rest of your life. I didn’t do as much commenting as I have in the past, but I got to all the Twitter chats and did all the challenges, which I’ve never done before.

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