#BookishWishes; Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Hey Guys! Today I am here as part of the #Bookishwishes tour for The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black. I am super excited about this book as it sounds really good and I have heard fab things!…
Blog Tour; Seven Days by Eve Ainsworth
Hey Guys! I’m here today to share with you a guest post by Eve Ainsworth. Eve is here to tell you all about her favourite places to read and where she would love to write. Hope you enjoy the post.…
Blog Tour; Hobson & Choi Series by Nick Bryan
Hey Guys! Today I am the tour stop for the Hobson & Choi Series by Nick Bryan tour and I am here to give you ten reasons why you should read this series. Hope you enjoy! The Girl Who Tweeted…
Blog Tour; Fashion Assassin by Sarah Sky
Hey Guys! Today I am the tour stop for the Fashion Assassin (Jessica Cole: Model Spy #2) by Sarah Sky tour and I am here to give you ten reasons why you should read this series. Hope you enjoy! Models,…
Blog Tour; The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell
Hey Guys! Today I am here with a very exciting post from Jen Campbell about her research for The Bookshop Book! Hope you enjoy it all and don’t forget to find out more about the book at the bottom of…
Blog Tour; Cloven by Georgeann Swiger
Cloven (The Trinity of Souls #2) by Georgeann Swiger What would you do if the only things standing between you and the angel you love were another angel and the fiery pits of Hell? When Anya and Micah declare their…
Blog Tour Wrap Up; Ascension of the Whyte by Karen Wrighton
Hey Guys! Today I’m here to wrap up the Ascension of the Whyte blog tour! I’ll be listing all of the stops, linking to the posts, listing some review quotes and announcing the winner of the tour giveaway. Tour Posts…
Blog Tour; Better Than Perfect by Simone Elkeles
Hey Guys! Today I am the first stop on the Better than Perfect blog tour and I am really excited to share with you a snippet from Derek’s phone and an extract from the first chapter! Hope you enjoy! Ashtyn’s…
Ascension of the Whtye Blog Tour Schedule!
Hey Guys! Today I am here to tell you all about the Ascension of the Whyte Blog Tour! This tour runs from 9th August to 16th August and is full of lots of cool and intriguing posts! For links to…
Blog Tour Sign Up; Ascension of the Whyte by Karen Wrighton
Hello Everyone! Today I’m here to tell you something amazing! I am currently organising a blog tour for the wonderful debut author, Karen Wrighton! To find out more information about the book, it’s all below! To sign up for the…