Dream Magic by Joshua Khan
Dream Magic by Joshua Khan
Hello All!
I missed my stop on the Dream Magic blog tour but today I am here to tell you my five favourite things about the book! You can also see my review of the first book by clicking here.
And here is some information on the book!
About the Book

Five Favourite Things about Dream Magic
Fantasy World
I have to admit that I am more than a little in love with the Fantasy world that Joshua Khan has created in these series. It’s interesting and unique. Just when you think you have it all figured out, something else happens and it’s absolutely brilliant. Joshua has created a vibrant and flowing world that fits well together. Not only that, it’s also written about in such a fantastic way that I could imagine everything so vividly too.
Kick-ass Heroine
What really makes this book better is that at its center is a truly kick-ass heroine. Lily is stubborn, powerful and clever. She is fearless too. She’s also scared, emotional and loyal. I thought she made such a wonderful character to read about and I loved how well she gets on with Thorn. Everything that is thrown her way is dealt with interestingly and with creativity – which I love!
Adventurous and Mysterious Plot
The one thing that in my review of the first book in this series that I mentioned loving was that the book had a little sprinkle of everything and the same goes for this second book. Joshua Khan has done a brilliant job of mixing genres together with my two favourites being the adventure and mystery. Something is going on that is dangerous but no one knows for sure what is happening. It is up to Lily and Thorn to save the day.
Packed Full of Emotion
If there is one thing that I love about reading, it is when books bring out emotions in me. I love reading books that make me cry and laugh and smile. Books that make me feel hopeful and fearful. If it ignites emotion, then it means I am connecting with the book perfectly. Joshua Khan is not afraid to cause emotions in the reader so, naturally, I absolutely love this aspect of the book. I went through so many emotions while reading this book – including big fat ugly tears!
Lastly, but certainly not least, I really enjoyed the narrative style of these books. I’m not sure how Joshua Khan did it but the books flow easily and quickly absorb you into this wonderful fantasy world. The characters fly off the page and all of the dialogue works really well too. I just love how easily it was to find myself lost in the words and how quickly I was able to escape the real world. I would highly recommend this book for that reason alone!
About the Author

*Tintagel, in case you were wondering.