
Finish It February Wrap-Up


It is the LAST day of February!

This month has really flown by and I am actually quite sad that this event ends today. (But don’t worry, we’re planning something new and exciting for April so keep your eyes peeled!)

As it’s the last day and I’m going to be out ALL day, (Because UKYA Extravaganza!) I’ve decided to do my full wrap-up today.

My Goals

I wanted to try and finish three half-read books, and finish three series.

How I Did

I didn’t make my goal, that’s for sure but I’m still pleased that I managed to read something. I hit a bit of a snag this month where I kind of hit a reading slump and found I wanted to be doing everything BUT reading. So, the fact I still managed to read a handful of books is great to me.

I managed to complete one series, finish one half-read book and get part way through the last book in a second series. (Yes, I did end up with another half-read book by the end of it, ooops)

What I Read

Heir of Fire The Underwood See

Still Reading


So… how did you do? Let us know in the comments and/or link to your updates in the linky!


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