Get to Know Me Tag
Get to Know Me Tag
As you may be aware, I have recently gotten back into the mood for doing tags! It’s been quite a while since I last did tags and I realise that I probably have lots of new followers now who actually don’t know that much about me. So what better way for them to learn more about me than by completing this tag. I was not tagged by anyone but who cares, eh?
Can you stop reading at any time, or does it have to be a certain page or chapter?
I much prefer to finish reading at the end of a chapter. It is where I would naturally stop reading. However, being that I usually end up reading on my break, on the bus, etc, I sometimes have to stop reading earlier than the chapter end but I always get the end of the chapter as soon as I can!
Do you eat or drink anything whilst reading?
Again, it depends where and how I’m reading. If I’m reading a paperback or hardback then there will be NO food but water or hot drinks are likely to be consumed. If I’m reading via an e-reader or my phone, food can be consumed but only something that I can eat with one hand and nothing too messy! If I’m reading an audiobook, I will eat and drink absolutely anything!
Can you read listening to music or watching tv?
No TV! But music is somewhat a must. I’ve gotten better at reading in silence as the years have gone by and I’ve had to but generally speaking, I much prefer to read with music blaring in my ears!
One book at a time or several at once?
Several. I have tried to read just one book at a time but I always fail. I am far too much of a mood reader!
Reading at home or everywhere?
Everywhere! In fact, reading at home is really difficult for me. I find it far too tempting to just turn on the TV… but I do love reading before bed sometimes.
Reading out loud or in your head?
In my head for sure. I don’t know if I’ve ever read out loud other than to someone else!
Do you read ahead or skip pages?
No, I literally would not be able to do it without having a mental breakdown.
Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
Keeping it new! There is no reason to break the spine.
Do you write books or just read them?
At the moment, just read but I have written books in the past. I keep thinking I’ll write again one day but nothing has come to mind recently.
Five favorite books:
This is too tough so I am choosing my five favourite books that I have read this year!
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer
One Italian Summer by Keris Stainton
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon
The Lie by C. L. Taylor
The last book that you read?
I’m currently reading A Change is Gonna Come and Indigo Violet.
I just finished The Whitstable High Tide Swimming Club; Diving In
About Me
Technically my name is Samantha. (Faye is my middle name)
Name meaning:
Named after anyone:
The main character in Bewitched
Hair color:
Strawberry Brown
Hair length:
Cropped Short
Eye color:
Bluey Green
14th July
Place of birth:
Surrey, England
Star sign:
Best feature:
Ears – but I haven’t worn earrings for nearly ten years
Right or lefty:
Two cats <3
Two Sisters, Three Step-brothers, One Brother-in-law
Reading, Writing, Blogging, Watching TV, Cinema, Running, Swimming
I am awful at favourites. I love too many things.
Too hard to choose just one.
Too hard to choose just one.
TV shows:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, Friends…
Don’t really watch any!
Pizza and Pasta!
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!
Zizzi, ASK, Wagamamas
Primark, Waterstones, Foyles, Matalan
Cats, Horses, Red Pandas, Pandas, Bears…
None. I hate perfume.
Anything except rap or classical!
Do You:
Believe in love at first sight?
Not really, no.
Believe in ghosts?
Not really, no.
Believe in aliens?
Not really, no.
Believe in soulmates?
Believe in heaven and hell?
Believe in yourself?
Not really, no.
If you won the lottery, what would you buy?
I don’t even know. A house maybe?
Your favorite/worst subject in high school?
Favourite – Drama & English
Worst – Design and Technology
Something you wish you were talented at?
Anything really. I feel completely untalented.
First thing you notice about people?
I have no idea.
On top of your bucket list?
Don’t really have one!
Your biggest accomplishment?
My PR Company
Something you look for in a partner?
Comfort and Security
Something you dislike?
Favorite fairytale?
Snow White
Random Final Questions
Furthest you’ve ever been from home?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where?
Somewhere remote.
Sweet or savory?
Last time you cried?
Saturday evening – The finale of season 3 Modern Family killed me.
If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy Ending. I’m a sucker for happy endings.
How would you describe your fashion sense?
Awful! I basically just wear things that I feel comfortable in.
Are you competitive?
Not in the slightest.
Describe yourself in a single sentence.
I’m not very good at seeing myself in a positive light.
Who is your role model?
No idea.
If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?
Don’t worry, life will come around eventually.
The Tags
I don’t have anyone specific in mind for this one so I’m tagging anyone who wants to do it!