
GIVEAWAY! One-Year Anniversary Approaching!

Holy Cow Batman! As of today this blog has been up and running for ELEVEN MONTHS. And I am shocked. The above plug picture says it all really. I am beyond words. I never, never, never thought I would stick around this long. I thought for sure that this would be a project that I would have long since given up on and yet, here I still am, approaching my blogs first true birthday.

And let’s face it, I’m a proud mama bear.

Given that I’ve been around for so long, I thought that it was only fair that I share my happiness and gushiness with all of you. I am still in awe about how many followers I have and I love each and every one of you so much! I know I haven’t said it a lot lately but I promise, you mean more to me than so many people I know IRL. <3


But you want prizes right?

There will be FOUR winners!
Those winners will have the choice of ONE book out of the following collection*

*these books are all books I have loved reading since having my blog but if there is a book someone REALLY wants and it’s within price range, I may be able to budge :-)





so, you know, only a few choices…

Giveaway Stats
– Open INTERNATIONALLY (as long as TBD ships to you)
– You do not need to follow this blog to enter but extra entries are available to you if you are/do!
– Did you fill in my Harry Potter Questionnaire? You get an extra entry! Just enter your name and e-mail in the Rafflecopter.
– Giveaway ends 15/09/12 (15th September)
– I refuse the right to cancel this giveaway at any point.
– Please refer to my Giveaway Policy

Now all you have to do is fill in the rafflecopter! YAY!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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