Books,  Lifestyle,  Personal

Here, There and Everywhere

Here, There and Everywhere


Guys… things have become a little bit all over the place in my life recently. I am starting to wonder if I ever used to be organised, or if it is all just a dream I once had. Needless to say, the not being organised is actually starting to make me lose my mind a little bit. I don’t even know where to start to get back on top of things either. It’s all a little crazy in my head at the moment.

With all of that being said. My blog has definitely felt the effects of this non-organised person this year. I have felt so disconnected from it and it’s been incredibly disheartening because I absolutely love this blog and have put my whole self into it. So, as it is the end of the year, I have decided that I am going to get my life back into order again. Because, well, I think I need to do so for my mental and physical wellbeing!

The Plans

So that means that I need to start getting things organised. I’ve already got plans to get other things in my life better organised – like food plans and tidying schedules – but I thought because it is my blog, I would share with you all how I plan to get the blog organised again. And then you can poke me or prod me if I start doing things wrong, right?

Of course, my blog is still just a hobby and something I do for fun so this isn’t completely mandatory but I’m hoping that if I do these things, I’ll get on top of the blog again and find it fun again and thus will just keep it organised rather than feeling like it’s draining on my creativity and my brain. You know?


The First Step

Before I do anything I have decided that I need to look at all of the books I own and put them in order of release date and whether they are a review copy or not and if, incidentally, I am ever actually going to read the book. For this I think I am also going to create a spreadsheet so that I can keep a visual list of every book I own so when I am trying to decide what to read next I can just scan the list and see what is going on.

Next Up…

And then I need to sort out the blog background work. I need to re-organise the side bar *points at it* which is all over the place. I may even do a re-design but we’ll see if that ever happens or not! For this I just want to get everything in tip top shape, basically.

Plan some posts

So I have a blog schedule that I live by but often times I just have “a non-book post” and then when it comes to posting I get lost or I’ll have a book review but haven’t read a book recently. So I want to get on top of that. Work out what I can do, come up with some banked ideas that I can draw on when I need them, etc, etc.

Read, Read, Read

Okay, so I do usually do this anyway but I am so behind on the reading/reviewing ratio at the moment and I need to get back on top of it. Mostly because I keep starting books and not finishing them which is not conducive to a review!

Schedule Blog Writing Time

This may seem like a silly thing because surely I should just blog when I get a chance but I don’t and I probably never will. So I need to carve out some time and make sure that I actually keep on top of things. I’m thinking Sunday Morning’s might be a really nice time to do it. Of course, it doesn’t have to be a concrete thing but maybe it will help me not slip up too much!

So that is my plan to get my blog back on track and organised again. It may not work, but I hope it does.

What do you do to keep your blog organised?



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