
Hot Key Books, Templar, and Piccadilly Press Blogger Brunch

Hey Guys!

Today I’m here to do an event wrap-up! It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these so I hope it’s not completely boring for you.

The day started with a few of us bloggers meeting in Costa to have a pre-event tea and catch up, and it was really nice to get a chance to talk to people. From there we moved on to the Hot Key Offices where the event began. We were all offered drinks and then moved into the boardroom where lovely plates of food platters were laid out for us as well as presentation booklets.

With everyone settled, the presentations began. It started with Piccadilly, then Hot Key and finally Templar. It was really great getting to know which books are coming out soon and working out which ones I’m really excited to read.

After the presentation was over we were treated to pizza and were given a chance to talk to the authors who came, the publicists and the editors as well. Not to mention our fellow bloggers. Then, once all of the pizza was taken away, we were all given a goodie bag with four books in it and then the chance to take some more from the copies laid out for us.

Then sadly it was time for us all to leave, but it was a great event and a few of us went for food and book shopping after which was brilliant!

And here is a video of all the books I am most excited for!

What books are you excited about?



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