Books,  Films

In My Mailbox #3

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve bought, borrowed or received for review!
My mailbox this week has been almost overflowing and I honestly couldn’t be happier. I have honestly loved getting this blog active over these last two months and I honestly think that I’m getting into a pretty decent flow of things. Besides, it’s getting me back into reading which is always a good thing!
Anyway, enough of that! Here’s what I got this week.


The Help by Kathryn Stockett
I have been wanting to read this book ever since I heard about its adaptation (which was a while ago) and then, after I saw the film, I knew that the next thing I desperately needed to do was read the book. But the best thing about this purchase is the fact that I simply forgot I had made it! So when it arrived in my mailbox, I was incredibly happy! I cannot wait to get stuck into reading this one!
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
This one I have heard so much about and just thought, why not? I was in a bit of a down mood and saw that it was on offer and just couldn’t resist purchasing it. I was very happy when it finally arrived and am looking forward to opening it up and reading it! Here’s hoping it’s as good as everyone says!
Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Now, this one I bought because it was extremely cheap. It’s not a book that I woul normally read but I’ve been wanting to broaden my horizons lately and I thought, what better way to do it then through this book? It seems like an interesting story and it’s not particularly long either so it should be a good stepping stone for me!
Dead or Alive by Tom Clancy
Tom Clancy is one of those bestselling authors that I have simply never read and seeing that this book was on offer and knowing that I want to start broadening my horizons, I decided that I would give it a shot! When it arrived I marvelled at its size but it does seem like an interesting story so one day I will gather up the courage and begin the book that seems extremely long and epic!

This is actually a film that I have already seen and really liked and so, while it was on a brilliant offer I thought that I would have to pick it up! I was very happy when it finally arrived. Another film to add to my ever-growing collection!
Again, this was a film that I had already seen before I purchased but it was on offer and is one of my all time favourite animation movies and therefre simply had to be bought! I watched it straight away after I recieved it and again last night with all my family who hadn’t seen it before and all of whom enjoyed it too! 


 Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
This book has been on my request shelf for a long time and so when I finally got the e-mail through to say that it was ready to download, I couldn’t have been happier! It is an e-book copy that I have 14 days to read (which I worked out I could have changed to 21 days) and so I know I need to start reading it before I lose it and have to wait another couple of weeks to start reading it again! So, let’s hope that I can do it, yeah?

This is the third one in the trilogy and I adored the first two films so I’m looking forward to watching this one. I haven’t actually read the books yet but they’re on my TBR list because I think that they would be absolutely brilliant. I am also not looking forward to the american remake of this series, just so you know!
This film is directed by my favourite director, Marc Forster but it is not one that I have seen yet and so when I realised this, I immediately added it to my rental list on LoveFilm and then this week, it arrived! I am excited to sit down and watch it and slightly wary too. So far I have loved everything by him but what happens if I don’t like it?  
Recieved for Review
 Red Rock by Kimberley Patterson
This is a western romance and definitely not the kind of novel that I usually venture into but I really like trying something new and I love western movies and well, romance is never a problem in my book. So, being able to try something new for a review will be a nice change and may even make the review better, in my eyes anyway! So far, as well, I’m rather enjoying it so yippee for this!
How Gods Bleed by Shane Porteous
A twist on the classic werewolf story, or at least, that is what it seems like. This novel summary sounded incredibly interesting with a journey to rescue the east from demolition. I’m looking forward to starting this one and hope that I enjoy it!
The Betrayal by Shelia Hendrix
The summary of this book really pulled me in. A story of two strong brothers who have always looked out for each other who may be pulled apart by something stronger than them. Definitely got me intrigued and I am very much looking forward to reading this tale!

So, that was my week! 
what did you get? =D


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