
In My Mailbox #5

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve bought, borrowed or received for review! 
I’ve had another fairly decent haul this week and I’m somewhat glad for the upcoming Christmas break where I can read, read, read, to my hearts content! [silly uni stopping this from happening!]
Anyway, here’s what I got this week;
My Blood Approves by Amanda Hocking

I saw both of these books and instantly wanted them! My Blood Approves is also a monthly read for one of my Goodreads groups and so I thought that it was a good time to buy it! I’m really looking forward to reading both of these though!!

I actually got both of these books today from the library. They’re both on the monthly reads of two groups I belong to on Goodreads and I actually can’t wait to get stuck into both! I’ve seen the film of Shutter Island so I cannot wait to see if the book is just as good, time to work out if the film did it justice!

As I absolutely adored Krystle’s other book, The Scarlet Dagger (review below), I am really looking forward to reading this one and once again falling in love with one of her stories!
for review  
 I am really, really looking forward to reading all of these reviews! Symphony of Blood was one that I told myself I wasn’t going to sign up for because I wouldn’t have time but after I read the synopsis I simply couldn’t resist! And Bridger and Forbidden both sound absolutely incredible and I just want to get reading them now!
so that was my week!
what did you get this week?


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