In My Mailbox #6
11 December, 2011
In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by The Story Siren. Let us know what books you’ve borrowed, bought or recieved for review!
It’s been an extremely stressful week this week, I’m not entirely certain how I even made it to today but there we go! Anyway, it was going to be a small week for me this week but then I went Christmas shopping and ended up going into a bookstore to buy presents…. needless to say I left with no presents but some new things for myself! Oooops!
Anyway, here’s what I got this week;
So, these were on a 3 for £5 offer and I simply couldn’t refuse! I’ve been recommend Divergent and it’s been on my library wishlist for a while but with the size of it and with it only costing £1.66, I couldn’t walk away without it! Dead Girls’ Dance is one that I lost when my laptop went kaput! I was borrowing as an ebook from the library but now I have the papercopy, wooo! And then, obiviously, Midnight Alley is the third installment so I thought I would buy it to keep up with it all =]
Finally my reservation of The Iron King became available for me! This made me extremely happy and I cannot wait to get stuck into it! Red-Headed Stepchild is a group read on goodreads and I’ve heard mixed reviews of Fallen so I was intrigued to find out if it was any good! Can’t wait to read all of these!!
for review
I was given the opportunity to review this one and after hearing the synopsis of it, I simply couldn’t turn it down! Unfortunately though, it is an ebook and so it is one that I may not be able to read until the end of this week if not until after christmas but I still look forward to reading it! :)
That’s all that I got this week!
what did you get this week? =]
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Friday's Favourite Film Release #7
Tell me what you think about the books soon, okay? I’ve only read Divergent; I’ll wait until you’re done before discussing because I don’t like influencing people’s feelings/thoughts! But yeah, the rest? Can’t wait!
DIVERGENT!!!! I am proud of you for making this purchase :D I freaking LOVED this book! Absolutely amazing <3 I cannot wait to see what you think of it. And yay, The Iron King! I finished the final book in the series the other day and holy crap… what a journey. The last two books are definitely my favourites!
Lots of deliciously tasty books this week, m’dear, I hope you have many happy reading sessions ahead! :D
Ah, Divergent, that’s on my TBR pile since ages. I should really start reading it soon.
My IMM post
I <3 the MV series. :D
Divergent…. there’s one I have to put on my TBR! And nice job on the Morganville books. It’s cool to see the different covers. It’ll be interesting to see what you think of Midnight Alley and Fallen… I was mixed on those. At least I know on Morganville it gets more exciting :)
Here’s My IMM
Divergent is a brilliant book! I also loved the iron king, fallen and all the morganvilles, you got really great books!
Tanya Patrice
You got a pretty good loot there – I can’t wait to read Divergent and Fallen too.
fallen is great!!! so is the iron king!!!!! and i cant wait to get divergent!!
Tara IMM @Tater’s Tall Tails
Mimi Valentine
Oh my gosh, so many awesome books!! You just have to read Divergent because all of the people who recommended it to you were right about its amazingness, and The Iron Fey series is one of my favourites EVER! I can’t wait to read your thoughts on that!
Awesome mailbox this week! I hope you love all of your books! :)
Great Mailbox this week!
If you have a moment, please come and show your support for either Hermione or Katniss – Here
My Mailbox
Oh my god Divergent is crazy awesome! I hope you like it!
Xpresso Reads
Divergent and The Iron King are amazing. Hope you enjoy!
The Book Faerie
You must read Divergent! It is one of the best book I read all year!!! I hope you enjoy :)
Thanks for stopping by!
OMG OMG I bought Divergent this week to!!!! YAY we can be reading buddies :) The Iron King and Fallen are awesome reads! You are going to LOVE them!
International 300 Follower Giveaway
Win a GLOW audiobook!
Megan Swicegood
I *love* Morganville! I’m reading Last Breath right now. I just finished Divergent and loved it – I hope you will too!
Happy Reading!
Megan @ Read It, See It
Amanda B.
Looks like a good haul!
Amanda’s Writings