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I’ve Got News!

I’ve Got News!

Hi All!

I have some exciting news to share with you all! Exciting for me, anyway!

Next week I am starting a new job!
It’s another library job, which is brilliant, but it’s a promotion from the job I’m currently doing, and it’s in a university library.

But why am I sharing this news with you?

Because it means that my 33 hours a week job at the moment, will be changing to 36 hours a week plus I’ll be adding 4 hours to my commute too. Which, sadly means that I’m going to have less time to read and blog.

While I do not want to blog or read less, I am just letting you all know in advance that it might happen. Especially now that the weather is getting nicer so when I can read on the bus, I will probably opt for walking instead!

So just in case you wonder why I’m not posting as much, now you know.

So… here’s to something new, eh?



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