LGBT Readathon Goals & Updates!

Yaay! Today marks the beginning of the LGBT Readathon! This week will be devoted to reading as many LGBT themed books as I possibly can with a fair few others doing the same and I am just really excited that it has all finally kicked off!
If you want to join in, you can find all the information and how to sign up by clicking here.
In this post I will list my goals, my book choices and will also update thoughout the week with how I am progressing!
The Goals
I’m going to be at work all week and probably going to be busy in the evenings too BUT I am still aiming to read at least two books but I am hoping to actually finish three.
I very rarely meet my goals during readathons but I’m hoping I’ll stick to it this week as I’ve got some SUPER exciting books to read!
I also want to keep updating twitter, to interact lots on twitter and to just enjoy the week!
The Books
So I have the two books I REALLY want to read first. These are;
Then this a list of all the books that are high on my TBR that I’d also REALLY like to read…
Which book would you recommend I read?
To come…
And if you’ve made a goal post and want to share it with us all, you can add it to the linky below! (Don’t worry a TBR/Goal Post is not necessary for the readathon!)
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