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Mental Health May; The Book Edition

Mental Health May

You may or may not be aware but May is Mental Health Awareness month so I wanted to do a little something on the blog to share this awareness because Mental Health is very close to my heart and I think that books are a fantastic way of sharing mental health. It can show what Mental Health is all about and battle some of the common misconceptions such as;

a) Mental Health is an illness, not an excuse.
b) Mental Health does have physical attributes
c) There are many ways to get help if you have Mental Health conditions
d) Mental Health problems are not the only aspect of your personality
e) Anyone can be affected
f) Having a Mental Health condition does not make you weak
g) People with Mental Health illnesses are not alone

Books can also show how many different Mental Health conditions they are, will help to make people more aware of it and may also help people reach out for professional help if they need it. It can also show how many people suffer with Mental Health silently.

And with all of that in mind, here is a small list of some of the books I’ve read that cover Mental Health that I would highly recommend.

beautiful broken things How To Fall In Love me since you

Lies Like Love

Amy and Matthew A Long Way Down2 Never Ending

What books would you add to this list?


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