
Mini-Bloggiesta! (To-Do List)

So, a month or so ago you may remember that I participated in something called the Bloggiesta! This was a weekend spent entirely on stuff for the blog, be it reading, writing reviews, coding, graphics… etc, and it was done with some pretty spectacular people – if I do say so myself!

Well, since Kathe, Danie and I did not finish all of our goals last time, we decided that we wanted to do it again and hopefully give our blogs the tender care and love that they so need and deserve.

Thus, inspired by Bloggiesta and with permission from the host (Suey) of this year, we three are spending this weekend (and maybe a few days after it) working on our blogs!

* We were simply inspired by this, we do not claim this as our own idea. We encourage you all to check it out and join in the next Bloggiesta *

This post, while introducing you to the plans of the weekend, is also a place for me to add a to-do list that I can work through, cross off, add to, etc, so that I know what I need to do and you guys know what to expect! If you have any suggestions for me, please don’t hesitate to let me know! :-)

To-Do List

  • Catch-up on reviews (or write at least five) [two down, three to go]
  • Add BTB page
  • Write at least two articles
  • Think up at least three BTB topics [one down, two to go]
  • Make graphic for ratings – explain ratings in sidebar
  • Add Novel Publicity banner to sidebar
  • Organise the books I have yet to read and review
  • Read!
  • Comment on blog posts.
  • Attempt to open ALL e-mails sitting in inbox.
  • Cross post and pin all reviews.
  • Create a blog-roll.

Phew! I don’t have a lot to do then, eh? I’m sure that I’ll have a good time this weekend attempting these. Though, I already fear I won’t accomplish them all, but we shall see!



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