Books,  Guest Post,  MG

My Five Most Precious Things

Hey All!

Today I am here to introduce you all to the lovely Janey Louise Jones, the author of new Superfairies series which releases today! (More info on the series below!) Janey has written a guest post for you all about her Five Most Precious Things.

My Five Most Precious Things

By Janey Louise Jones

As a writer, I find that everything around me tells a story, or reveals a character in my life. I love to collect things which might have little value to other people, but for me, they are reminders of a time, a person, or place that has been significant in my life. When I write my Superfairies stories, I find it more relaxing to be surrounded by familiar, comforting objects and items.

1. First shoes worn by all of my children

I found it very emotional when my children were small, and every few months, each of them would outgrow things I loved. It was unbearable to part with a lot of items, and I just had to keep favourite little jumpers and most importantly, first shoes! I have kept the first shoes worn by each of my sons, as well as a pair of Thomas Tank slippers! These items make me think of first steps, visits to the swing park and first bicycle rides.

2. Necklace made by my son

When my children were young, I was forever painting and crafting with them at our big kitchen table. My middle son is very artistic and now paints for a living. One day, he made a beaded necklace for me, strung on a length of satin ribbon. I love it, and it makes me think of his chubby little fingers threading the beads along the ribbon, then the look of triumph on his face when it was done. A necklace from Tiffany’s could not bring half the pleasure of these beads.

Janey Jones Pic

3. Bust of Ophelia

This pretty little head and shoulders statue of Ophelia from Hamlet makes me think of my beloved Granny. Because we both saw it in an Antique shop and we both fell in love with it. I can’t quite remember how I managed to be the one who bought it, but I do recall that every time she saw it in the passing, she would comment: “That really should have been mine!” I think she allowed me to buy it but always felt cheated of it!

4. Antique edition of Pride & Prejudice

A boy I liked who never became a boyfriend for some reason gave me this book which he’d found in a vintage bookshop. I was quite obsessed with the Austen novels at the time and it was so thoughtful and meaningful of him to give it. I find that books can bring the past back, and I am always moved when people say their children go back to my books time and time again. That is thrilling for any writer. Of course, I will never be in the realms of Jane Austen, but we all play to our strengths as we can.

5. Flower Fairy Collection

All of my life, I have adored the Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker. They are timeless, classic creations, combining the natural world and the fairy realm in a heavenly way which captured my imagination and inspired my new series for girls. I have the books, china plates and figurines, which I was given on birthdays and at Christmas as a child. I think it is nice to start a collection in childhood. It gives a focus to gift-buying for the adults and allows the child to cherish special items. Such things remain precious through one’s life.

About the Books

Basil the Bear Cub cover Dancer the Wild Pony

Basil the Bear Cub

No, Basil, don’t play near the river on your own! Superfairies Rose, Silk, Berry and Star rush to help a bear cub in danger. The Superfairies of Peaseblossom Woods use their teamwork to rescue animals in distress, bringing together their unique superskills, petal power and lots of love.

Dancer the Wild Pony

Dancer, don’t run away! The Superfairies want to stop a wild pony being nervous for the Summer Fair dance contest, but first they need to catch up with her! The Superfairies of Peaseblossom Woods use their teamwork to rescue animals in distress, bringing together their unique superskills, petal power and lots of love.

About the Author

Janey Louise Jones has been a published author for ten years. Her Princess Poppy series is an international bestselling brand, with books translated into ten languages including Hebrew and Mandarin. Janey is a graduate of Edinburgh University and lives in Edinburgh with her three sons.

About the Illustrator

Jennie was born in England and grew up in Malaysia, in the jungle. At the age of ten, she moved back to England and went on to study Fine Art at the Surrey Institute of Art & Design, as well as Fashion Illustration at Central St Martins. Jennie loves the countryside, animals, tea and reading. She lives in Woking, England with her husband and two wonderful daughters.

What are five of your most precious things?


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