My TBR This Month: April 2020
Books On My TBR This Month: April 2020
Hi All!
Today I am here to list the books that I am hoping to read this month. I’m a big mood reader so chances are that some of the choices will change. I also have been reading about four books a month so there is a good chance I won’t get through all of the below either, but it’s always good to have a selection, eh?
Do let me know which ones you think I should make sure I definitely read this month!
I’m also taking part in the Magical Readathon this month so below are also the prompts for the books I’ve chosen!
The Thirteenth Home of Noah Bradley by Amber Lee Dodd
Muggle Studies – Book from perspective of a muggle (Contemporary)
I’m actually on the blog tour for this book but it fits in nicely with the Muggle Studies prompt. Really looking forward to reading this one.
Strangers by C. L. Taylor
Astonomy – Read Majority of this book when it’s dark outside
This is another book for a blog tour but with it’s creepy thriller-y vibe, I definitely think reading this one after it’s dark outside is an absolute must!
The Silent House by Nell Pattison
Charms – Lumos Maxima: White Cover
Okay, so it’s not completely white but it’s white enough for me! This is also another blog tour book. But one I am very much looking forward to diving into.
Heartsopper Vol 3 by Alice Oseman
Ancient Runes – Heart on the cover or in the title
I’ve been meaning to read this book for a while now so hoping that this month I finally actually do! It should also be a fairly short read so should help me boost my reading numbers!
The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman
Arithmancy – Magical Qualites of Number 2: Balance/Opposites – Read something outside of your favourite genre
I would describe the books I read most often as Contemporary reads and I absolutely love them. Thus, I have chosen The Devouring Gray for this prompt as it is definitely NOT contemporary and has been recommended to me on multiple occassions.
Viper by Bex Hogan
Defence Against the Dark Arts – Grindylows: Book set at the sea/coast
I was supposed to read this book in March as part of a buddy read but with everything going on, it just didn’t happen. Now that I have my reading mojo back, I am hoping to rectify it by reading the book this month!
Other Words for Smoke by Sarah Maria Griffin
Care of Magical Creates – Creature with a beak on the cover
This is another book that has been highly recommended to me. In fact, I think Lauren might disown me soon if I don’t get around to reading it! So hoping to rectify this this month.
The Love Hypothesis by Laura Steven
Divination: Third Eye: Assign numbers to your TBR and use a random number generator to pick your read
Not going to lie, I am incredibly glad that this book came up when I did this. I am not sure I will have time to read this one but if I do, I am hoping I very much enjoy it.
My Heart Goes Bang by Keris Stainton
Herbology – Minmbulus Mimbletonia: title starts with an M
This is a book that has been on my TBR for far too long and so as it fits the prompt so very well, it had to be added. I don’t know if I will fit this in but I hope I do!
The Vanishing Trick by Jenni Spangler
History of Magic – Witch hunts: Book featuring witches/wizards
I had so many books to choose from for this prompt but as this is a new book on my shelf and I want to try and read new releases on time, I decided on this book and cannot wait to see what it is all about.
A Bad Day for Jayden by Tony Bradman
Potions – Shrinking Solution: Book under 150 pages
This is another new release that I’ve been meaning to read and it seems like it might be quite good for the time being. It is also a Barrington Stoke read so definitely works as a book under 150 pages!
Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa
Transfiguration – Animagus Lecture: Book/series that includes shapeshifting
This is a book that has been on my TBR for a long time which is outrageous considering that Julie Kagawa is one of my favourite authors. Thus, I am hoping to get this book read this month. Fortunately it is available as an audiobook on Scribd so I should be able to listen while I do some chores and walks!
First Day of My Life by Lisa Williamson
This is one of two books that are not apart of the magical readathon but are ones that I am hoping to read this month as well. I am not sure I will get around to it as I don’t read all that much but as I also seem to have more time at home, I might just get to it…
Rules for Being a Girl by Candace Bushnell and Katie Cotugno
As above, I am also just hoping to get around to reading this one outside of the readathon.
What books are you hoping to read this month? Are you also participating in the #MagicalReadathon?

One Comment
TanyX Goffy
I want to read Heartstopper so bad!