New Year, New Adult Tour; Book Review!

Hey Guys!
Welcome to my first stop on the New Year, New Adult tour! Today I have for you all a review of True by Erin McCarthy. And at the bottom of it all is your scavenger hunt clue and the rafflecopter for the big tour giveaway!
(Click the banner above for the tour schedule and more info on the scavenger hunt!)
Author: Erin McCarthy
Publisher: Penguin
Published: May 7th 2013
Pages: 235
Format: Ebook
Source:: Netgalley
Add It: Goodreads, Amazon UK, Amazon US
When Rory Macintosh’s roommates find out that their studious and shy friend has never been with a guy, they decide that, as an act of kindness they’ll help her lose her virginity by hiring confident, tattooed bad boy Tyler Mann to do the job…unbeknownst to Rory.
Tyler knows he’s not good enough for Rory. She’s smart, doctor smart, while he’s barely scraping by at his EMT program, hoping to pull his younger brothers out of the hell their druggy mother has left them in. But he can’t resist taking up her roommates on an opportunity to get to know her better. There’s something about her honesty that keeps him coming back when he knows he shouldn’t…
Torn between common sense and desire, the two find themselves caught up in a passionate relationship. But when Tyler’s broken family threatens to destroy his future, and hers, Rory will need to decide whether to cut her ties to his risky world or follow her heart, no matter what the cost…
Sometimes The
When I first saw this book, I was instantly intrigued. It seemed like a book that was full of mystery and had the potential to hold a lot of romance. Fortunately, I wasn’t mislead. This book was an addictive read that had a lot of romance and intrigue and really pulled at my emotions throughout it. While it may not be my favourite book of the year, it was one that I really enjoyed and could definitely see myself re-reading at some point in the future. It was a quick read that I struggled to put down. While there were a few issues I had with the book, as a whole it was one that kept my interest and caught me off guard every now and again. Something that I always like to find in books every now and again.
Best Things
Rory has never exactly been a social butterfly. Due to her upbringing, she found her life easier when her head was stuck inside of a book. She sees the world in a logical way, finding it difficult to understand the way people around her work. Then she goes to college and becomes best friends with her roomates, two girls who are the complete opposite of her. Two years into their college experience, she lets it slip that she’s never been with a guy. So, her roomates decide to help her come out of her shell and use a guy they think is perfect for the job, Tyler. Neither of them could have predicted what would actually happen between Tyler and Rory by the end of it all. The plot of this story is actually one that I have a love-hate relationship. There are so many amazing things about this plot and it really carried the book forward and made it so interesting to read but I also didn’t like what her roomates did, nor how Rory found out, nor what she did about it afterwards. Aside from that, everything else in this plot was really great. Fortunately, the issues I had with the plot happen early on in the story and by the time I reached the end, I had already forgotten them.
Happen When
Oh. There are so many wonderful and amazing characters in this book. I wanted to just be friends with them all and hug them all anytime I wanted. I adored Jayden and I wanted to get inside the brain of little Easton. These two were amazing side-characters and I loved how much personality they ended up bringing to the book. I also found it so easy to enjoy reading this story because Rory was a character I could relate to. Not in all the ways, but in the social outcast, testing boundaries way. She was logical, but she was flawed. I loved seeing her thoughts spread out on the page and knowing that at some point in my life, I have felt that way completely. I loved how she worked things through and just dealt with situations and I really would love to read more stories with her as the main protagonist. Tyler was also a character I enjoyed reading. In some ways his persona didn’t quite fit his image but then he would act a certain way and it would all just click into his place but I loved how he was one person around Rory and his family and someone else around the people who didn’t matter so much but that through it all he knew exactly who he was. When things started sliding, I so badly wanted to be there for them all, which was something that I loved feeling.
You’re Not
The very best thing about this book was how addictive it was. Erin McCarthy’s writing style is one that you can just read easily and find yourself absorbed in the story. I found time slipped by quickly as I read and I often forgot that I needed to be somewhere else. (I almost missed my bus stop at one point!). Erin has a way of making the characters truly come alive on the page. I could imagine the moments so clearly, felt that the dialogue was so real and she has just managed to write a book that is a truly enjoyable read. It is mostly due to this writing style that I was able to look past the few issues I had with the book. However, the one scene that I really struggled to read in this book was the very first conversation that Rory has with her dad. By the end of the conversation I just felt a little off. The conversation and Rory’s inner dialogue had seemed so out of place and unnatural compared to the rest of the book. I still feel that this scene should have been changed, in my opinion. I just don’t feel that anyone would think about their dad in the way Rory did. But, fortunately, even this scene didn’t dissipate my feelings on the book as a whole.
Even Looking
Overall this was a novel that I found myself really enjoying. I read it quicker than I thought I would and really struggled to put it down. It was fun in places and full of emotions in others and really just pulled on your heartstrings. The plot was well-thought out and really made the story that much better. But, in my opinion, it was the fabulous characters in this book that really made this book so good. Erin made you care about these characters and everything that happened to them and this is something that I always love when I read books. It is their story and the things that happen to them is what drives the story forward and I adore stories like that. So, if you’re in the mood for a quick, addictive, heart-racing, tense, emotional read then you should definitely pick this book up as you’re likely to enjoy it. If romance and deep social themes aren’t something you wish to read about, then you probably won’t like it but if that sounds like something you’d enjoy then I can really only recommend that you definitely check this book out.
** I received this copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. **
Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook
I read True last year, I think. I liked it, but I wasn’t madly in love. I am curious about other Erin McCarthy books though.
I’m glad you liked this.
Sammy's Book Obsession
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! Love it!
I read this book last year as well. I liked it but found it really hard to find Rory and Tyler’s relationship as acceptable. While I understand not all people have the same hangups as I do, having a close friend hook up with a sex-buddy rang icky to me.