Noughts & Crosses Read-a-Long Discussion; Knife Edge!

Noughts And Crosses Read-a-long
This month, as you may know, I have been hosting a Noughts and Crosses read-a-long with the aim of reading the whole series in a month! However, I’ve also said it’s okay just to read one book (or even just two or three!).
March 1st – 7th; Read Noughts and Crosses
March 8th – 14th; Read Knife Edge
March 15th – 22nd; Read Checkmate
March 23rd – 31st; Read Double Cross
On the last day of the books being read (7th, 14th, 22nd, 31st), I’ll be posting discussion questions (and answers) for all the participants to talk about the books – if they wish! It is not a mandatory aspect of joining the read-a-long.
Throughout the month, we can all communicate with each other via the hashtag; #readosandxs
Now, as the second week of March is over and it is the 15th, it is time to discuss the second book in the Noughts and Crosses series!
You can find the discussion questions for the first book here.
Below I have posted some questions that you can all answer in the comments below! Also, feel free to respond to other people’s comments as well. Let’s make this into a proper discussion!
Any and all deflamatory, derogatory, or just plain insulting comments will be removed from this blog.
I know discussions can get heated, but I will not tolerate abuse at me or at other people.
- What are your initial thoughts on the book? If it’s your first time reading it, did you enjoy it? If you’ve read it before, was the experience and emotions you felt different this time?
- There are a lot of things that Sephy has to deal with in this book, what do you think of her character development in this book?
- What are your opinions about Jude in this book? Have they changed from the first book?
- What are your thoughts on the symbolism of the colours in this book?
- If this was your first read, did the ending shock you? If it was a re-read, did the ending have the same impact?
- If you haven’t yet read it, what are your predications of what will happen in Checkmate?
- Anything else you’d like to add?
My Answers
- I really enjoyed re-reading this book, however I did find that it moved a lot slower than the first book. I often found myself wondering when something exciting was going to happen and where, eventually, everything was going to lead. Despite that, I still found it hard to put down, was drawn in by all the amazing characters and character development and would happily re-read it again!
- I think the best thing about Sephy’s development in this book is how realistic it is. She goes through so much, and she fights like a champion when she does and so it is only natural that it ends the way it does. I like that she continues to prove herself to be a strong character but also still has her flaws. She’s still just a new adult and is learning to live in a world where things are unjust and unkind. I think Sephy’s development is the main reason I loved this book so much.
- I want to hate him. I do. I hated him in the first book but I remember when I read them the first time that my view of Jude did change. Getting to see into him a bit more, seeing his vulnerabilities makes it hard to hate him. However, I really don’t like his actions at the end, but I also know more why he did them. He’s definitely a complicated character and that is, essentially, what makes him so great because he is just as real as every other human being out there.
- It took me a while to work out what the little chapter colour headings were about. When I realised it was a rainbow, I found myself really enjoying them. I liked the way they broke the book down bit by bit. I think that they were used to show how the world isn’t black and white, how nothing in it ever is either. They’re used as a way to show that what we think about other people is never truly that simple, there will always be other colours adding in. I also think that they’re used as a sign of hope.
- As a re-read, the ending didn’t have the exact same effect for me. I know what happens next and it made it hard to feel as shocked as I was the first time but that didn’t make it any less painful. Knowing what the characters are going through and putting myself in their shoes really gripped my emotions into a tight ball.
- I’ve read the book so I’ll leave this unanswered.
- Just that I cannot wait to continue re-reading these books.
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