
November Monthly Wrap Up


So I ummed and ahhed about whether or not to start doing monthly wrap-ups on the blog but have eventually decided that in an effort to keep my blog more organised, to keep on top of challenges and to do a nice re-cap of the month for you all, that I would do them :-). Therefore, this post will be set out like my weekly highlights post, split into headings in an attempt to keep everything organised easily :D

Monthly Highlights

I am amazed that it is already the end of November. Time is, as it usually does, flying by and I’m struggling to believe that Christmas and New Year is just around the corner. Anyhow, this month on the blog has been a lot better. I managed to get a lot of reviews out and other posts and have just been finding my motivation again which is really great. Hoping to keep it up in the next coming months as well. Wish me luck!

My top three posts this month are;
Deception by C. J. Redwine (FIVE HEARTS)
Geek Girl; Model Misfit by Holly Smale (FIVE HEARTS)
Top Ten Things to Be Thankful For

This month has been really good for Bookish Brits as well, and I’m really enjoying doing everything for that.

I’ve been to a few Bookish Events this month including the #WalkerBloggerNight which was great to go to as I met some great authors and had a chance to see all my blogger friends as well. I also enjoyed meeting Veronica Roth when she came to London!

I read ten books this month which is the most I’ve read in ages so I’m very proud of myself. I’m still certain I won’t get to 120 books but I’m hoping to read 100 instead and I’m very close!

Favourite Book

faking it I really loved reading Losing It by Cora Carmack and I was really looking forward to reading this next book in the series and I was glad I did because it was awesome. I got sucked into this story from the first page and found myself truly rooting for the characters. I adored them both seperately and together and just found this book to be completely compelling. I love Cora’s style of writing and the way she just makes you feel for the characters and their situations. She writes comic stories full of heart that fill you with warmth and happiness. If you haven’t read her books yet, you need to get on it.

Reading Challenges

A-Z Book Challenge; I read G and M.
British Books Challenge; I read three books; Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling, Control by Kim Curran, and Matilda by Roald Dahl
Mystery/Crime Challenge; I read two books; Control by Kim Curran and Gripped by Jason Donnelly
TBR Pile Challenge; I read two books; Control by Kim Curran, and Faking It by Cora Carmack
Witches/Witchcraft Challenge; I read two books; Matilda by Roald Dahl and Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling
Genre Variety Challenge; I read Suspense.

And that concludes my month!



  • Lucy @ Queen of Contemporary

    Now that I know Finding It was your favourite book of the month, I’ll definitely have to read it because I’ve loved all of Cora Carmack’s books so far but I know some people didn’t thinking highly of Finding It.

    Best of luck for December, Faye!

    • Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

      Wow. Um, yeah. That book I was talking about was Faking It but I was obviously waaay too tired when I wrote this post that I didn’t even click that it was the wrong photo. I’m halfway through Finding It. I am enjoying it though but it’s just taking me a while to get into. Will let you know if I love it when I am finished though!

      And thanks Lucy, you too! :D

  • Anya

    Pretty good month, Faye! I completely agree that November has flown past, but now I can officially get excited for Christmas! I really need to read something of Cora Cormack’s, I do like the look of Losing It, I just haven’t picked it up.

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